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Transplant D&C 8/30-9/5 Dan Parrish Ankur Gupta Rami Maarouf Tim Goldhardt.

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Presentation on theme: "Transplant D&C 8/30-9/5 Dan Parrish Ankur Gupta Rami Maarouf Tim Goldhardt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transplant D&C 8/30-9/5 Dan Parrish Ankur Gupta Rami Maarouf Tim Goldhardt

2 DateAttending/resPatientDiagnosisOperation 8/31Cotterell Bhati Gupta ESLD 2/2 HCV, HCCCadaveric liver transplant 9/1Cotterell Gupta Parrish ESRD 2/2 HTNCadaveric Kidney Transplant 9/1Cotterell Gupta ESRD 2/2 HTNCadaveric Kidney Transplant 9/2Cotterell Parrish DonorDonor Nephrectomy 9/2Sharma Gupta ESRD 2/2 DiabetesLiving unrelated kidney transplant 9/2Sharma Cotterell Gupta Renal vein thrombosis Ex Lap, thrombectomy, anastomosis revision 9/2Cotterell Parrish Umbilical herniaOpen Hernia repair 9/3Sharma Parrish Aspiration, Code, small hematoma Ex Lap

3 DateAttending/resPatientDiagnosisOperation 9/3Cotterell Maarouf Gupta Bhati Bowel Obstruction, Bile leak Exploratory Lapartomy 9/3Bhati Maarouf ESRD 2/2 HTNAborted Fistula revision 9/4SharmaESLD 2/2 HepCAborted transplant 9/4Sharma Gupta ESRD 2/2 HtnCadaveric renal transplant 9/5Sharma Parrish Gupta Hepatic abscessEx Lap, segment 7 resection, abscess and seroma drainage 9/5Cotterell Maarouf RejectionTransplant nephrectomy 9/5Cotterell Maarouf HematomaEx Lap, evac hematoma 9/5Cotterell Maarouf ESRD 2/2 DiabetesAV fistula creation

4 Complications DateAttending /res PatientProcedurecomplication 9/2Sharma Gupta Living unrelated kidney transplant Reoperation for renal vein thrombosis 9/3Sharma Parrish Ex Lap, evac of small hematoma Aspiration, intubation, code 9/4Sharma Parrish BronchoscopyPneumonia (pseudomonas) 9/3Cotterell Maarouf Bhati Gupta Ex Lap, sternotomy, CMDeath 9/5Cotterell Gupta Parrish Ex Lap, evac of 500cc hematoma Hematoma

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