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Martin Luther 1483-1546. Background Augustinian monk Taught at the University of Wittenberg in Saxony.

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1 Martin Luther 1483-1546

2 Background Augustinian monk Taught at the University of Wittenberg in Saxony

3 Johann Tetzel Was authorized by Pope Leo X to sell indulgences – Payment to reduce ones punishment after death or a loved one who was already dead “As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs” Addition revenues were used to pay for St. Peter’s cathedral in Rome


5 95 Theses October 31, 1517 Luther criticized the selling of indulgences but went further than others before him by questioning the scriptural authority of the pope to grant indulgences Historical dispute about nailing to Wittenberg church door The printing press facilitated the spread of Luther’s works


7 Luther challenges Church 95 Theses were first seen by the pope as a disagreement between Augustinian and Dominican monks 1518, Luther defied the pope by refusing to stop his crusade – He did not seek to create a new church at first

8 Debate Luther v. Johann Eck Leipzig in 1520 Luther denied both infallibility of pope and of general council Luther claimed that the Church had erred when it executed Hus This was point of no return for Luther

9 v.

10 Luther’s Reform 1520, Luther published his theology of reform Salvation could be achieved through faith alone – Rejected “good works” The Bible is the sole authority Only two sacraments – baptism and communion The church consists of a “priesthood of all believers” Criticized sale of indulgences

11 Excommunication 1520, Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X

12 Diet of Worms 1521 Charles had promised before his election as HRE that he would not allow anyone in his smpire to be excommunicated w/o fair trail Charles demanded the Luther recant his writings, Luther refused – “Here I stand. I can do no other”


14 Edict of Worms Luther outlawed as a heretic by the Holy Roman Empire Luther was kidnapped by agents of Frederick III and taken to his castle where he was protected and continued to write

15 Bible 1523, Luther translated the Bible into the vernacular, influencing the development of the modern German language

16 Confessions of Augsburg 1530 Written by Luther’s friend, Philip Melanchthon Attempted to unite Lutheran and Catholic princes of HRE Became traditional statement of the Lutheran Church – Salvation through faith alone – Bible is the sole authority – “Priesthood of all believers”

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