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 Ingestion: the taking in of food  Digestion: the breaking down of complex molecules into simpler ones that can be used by the organism  Absorption:

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Presentation on theme: " Ingestion: the taking in of food  Digestion: the breaking down of complex molecules into simpler ones that can be used by the organism  Absorption:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Ingestion: the taking in of food  Digestion: the breaking down of complex molecules into simpler ones that can be used by the organism  Absorption: the transporting of digested nutrients to the cells of the body  Egestion: the removal of wastes (undigested materials) from the body

3  Different organisms digest food in different ways.  Your next task is to find out how they do it. You will be assigned an organism and you need to make a poster to explain how they digest their food.  As much as possible, try to break it up into the four parts of digestion that you just copied down.

4  Make sure you understand what you put on your poster. Don’t put down things that you couldn’t explain to me.  Also make sure they are readable as we’ll be putting them up on the walls once I’ve marked them.  Include pictures/diagrams to help your explanation.  Stay on task and monitor your time.

5  Sponge  Hydra  Earthworm  Bird  Cow  Frog  Boa Constrictor  Venus Flytrap  Starfish  Whale shark  Tapeworm  Oysters  Rabbit

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