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MEETING WITH THE CHANCELLOR December 14, 2007 First Quarterly Report DCPS Contract No. GAGA-2007-C-0252 Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "MEETING WITH THE CHANCELLOR December 14, 2007 First Quarterly Report DCPS Contract No. GAGA-2007-C-0252 Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEETING WITH THE CHANCELLOR December 14, 2007 First Quarterly Report DCPS Contract No. GAGA-2007-C-0252 Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

2 Achievements January-August 2007 –Incorporation of WMC January 2007 –Obtained initial DCPS $50,000 funding in April –Executive Director/COO recruited, hired, commenced May –Coordinated construction activities Summer 2007 Roof replacement and pool demolition Field and stadium renovations (N.B. coordination with community) Faculty parking lot additions (and on street parking) Gym renovations (new floor, renovated locker rooms) Installation of AC units south side of building –Signed contract with DCPS August –Contract fully funded October Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

3 Achievements September-December 2007 –Completion of Policies and Procedures Manuals Procurement Financial Controls Field & Stadium Use –In progress: Work Order Process for Critical Repairs –Modernization Activities Issuance of RFP for A&E Feasibility Study, November Grimm & Parker selected by Project Team, December Issued RFP for PM but on hold for present –Meeting with Chancellor, December 2007 Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

4 Goals for Next Quarter –Finalize work order system with OPEFM –Modernization Launch feasibility study with Grimm & Parker –Tour Washington & Lee and other schools –Update property survey, HAZMAT study & EC survey Launch education specification survey –Obtain DCPS audits and launch WMC audit plans

5 Initial Hurdles: –Startup time (DCPS reaction time is far too slow) –No ownership of autonomy effort by “downtown” during previous administration –Extreme difficulty getting OCP to engage and issue contract once method of contracting with independent 501c3 was chosen and WMC was formed –Confusion over fiscal years and how funding works leading to further contracting delays and funding of the contract –Establishing legitimacy with downtown and WTU Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

6 On-going issues and hurdles –No definitive clarification of issues raised in 3 July 2006 letter to Mr. Dale Talbert (WTU and LSRT) –Wilson (and WMC as a volunteer organization) may need professional third-party help with all aspects of any role for WMC beyond modernization –DCPS financial & operational audits not completed –Principal as COTR (positive and negative implications) –Pressure to expand role of WMC Woodrow Wilson Management Corporation, Inc.

7 Modifications to the budget and/or governance structure….?

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