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English 212: Technical Writing Zach Erickson. Introduction Criteria Questions Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "English 212: Technical Writing Zach Erickson. Introduction Criteria Questions Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 212: Technical Writing Zach Erickson

2 Introduction Criteria Questions Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations

3 Examined the feasibility of funding Tasers for all Anchorage police officers Researched current percentage of Taser use by Anchorage Police Department (APD) Researched the pros and cons of using Tasers over other methods of force currently used by APD Examined the financial aspect of supplying officers with Tasers

4 Is the use of Tasers by police legally defensible? Will increased deployment of Tasers lead to fewer injuries and deaths for both police officers and suspects? Is there funding within the department, or cuts that could be made, that allow for the purchase of Tasers at no additional cost to taxpayers?

5 Performed both primary and secondary research Primary research consisted of a questionnaire distributed to fellow students Secondary research consisted of using multiple online databases to locate six articles regarding the topic Researched current percentage of Taser use by Anchorage Police Department (APD) Researched the pros and cons of using Tasers over other methods of force currently used by APD Researched the financial aspect of supplying Tasers to APD officers

6 Municipalities face the biggest threat of losing a lawsuit for unlawful tasering when policies regarding Taser use are too broad. If proper training and proper policies are in place, the city will be at less risk to face a lawsuit Officers are also rarely at risk for a lawsuit after a tasering

7 In 9 years, the use of Tasers decreased officer injuries 62 percent in Orlando, Florida and 25 percent in Austin, Texas

8 Currently, APD has requested the city to provide an additional $47,292 for Tasers and training There are some grants available to help cover the cost of Tasers Most citizens of Anchorage were willing to pay for Taser through their taxes

9 Table 2. Would you be willing to have your taxes go up about $7 in order to pay for APD to have Tasers and Taser training for all officers?

10 There have been enough studies conducted to justify the purchasing of Tasers for APD Two-thirds of participants were willing to pay additional taxes to support this purchase Those who were surveyed said they trusted APD to use the weapons responsibly

11 APD should only purchase the pistol model Tasers, not buying the shotgun model would save them about $10,000 overall The department should also provide thorough training and subject all officers to a Taser before deployment There are several options for funding this cause: grants, not filling one open patrol position, and tax money

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