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Block I Back and Pectoral Region Assembled by Scott Korfhagen & Oran Kremen Images from: &

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Presentation on theme: "Block I Back and Pectoral Region Assembled by Scott Korfhagen & Oran Kremen Images from: &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Block I Back and Pectoral Region Assembled by Scott Korfhagen & Oran Kremen Images from: &

2 Identify Acromion

3 Identify Superior Angle of the Scapula

4 Identify Inferior Angle of the Scapula

5 Identify Medial (vertebral) border of the Scapula

6 Identify Spine of the Scapula

7 Identify Iliac Crest

8 Identify Posterior superior iliac spine

9 Identify External occipital protuberance (inion)

10 Identify Superior nuchal line

11 Identify Arrow Inferior nuchal line

12 Identify Mastoid process

13 This is never on the exam Foramen magnum

14 Identify Body

15 Identify Pedicle

16 Identify Lamina

17 Question: Vertebral arch Two pedicles + Two laminae make what structure????

18 Identify 1. Superior and 2. inferior costal facets 1. 2.

19 Identify Transverse process

20 Identify Superior articular processes

21 Identify Inferior articular processes

22 Identify Spinous process

23 Identify Vertebral foramen

24 Identify Arrows Intervertebral foramen

25 Identify Arrow Inferior vertebral notch

26 Identify Arrows Superior vertebral notch

27 Identify Arrow Transverse costal facet

28 Identify Arrow Dens

29 1. Identify Atlas 2.3. 5. 6. 4. Posterior arch Posterior tubercle Groove for the vertebral artery Transverse process Foramen transversarium

30 Identify Foramen transversarium

31 Identify Median sacral crest

32 Identify Posterior (dorsal) sacral foramina

33 Identify Sacral hiatus

34 Identify Trapezius muscle

35 Identify Latissimus dorsi muscle

36 Identify Triangle of auscultation

37 Identify Lumbar triangle

38 Identify Accessory nerve and branches of the transverse cervical artery

39 Identify upper forceps Rhomboideus major muscle

40 Identify Rhomboideus minor muscle

41 Identify Levator scapulae muscle

42 Identify Serratus posterior superior muscle

43 Identify Serratus posterior inferior muscle

44 Identify Iliocostalis muscle

45 Identify Longissimus muscle

46 Identify Spinalis muscle

47 Remember From Outside In: ILS = I Like Standing Or I Like Sex

48 Identify Splenius capitis muscle

49 Identify Semispinalis capitis muscle

50 Identify Occipital artery

51 Identify (artery) Vertebral artery

52 Identify Greater occipital nerve

53 Identify Obliquus capitis inferior muscle (Inferior oblique)

54 Identify Rectus capitis posterior major muscle (Rectus major)

55 Identify Obliquus capitis superior muscle (Superior oblique)

56 Identify Suboccipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C1)

57 Identify ligament on spinal column Ligamenta flava

58 Identify Dura Mater

59 Where is the probe? Epidural (extradural) Space

60 Where is the probe? Dural Sac (terminates at S2 level)

61 Identify Arachnoid Mater

62 Where is the probe? Subarachnoid Space

63 Identify Pia Mater

64 Identify Denticulate Ligament

65 Identify Filum terminale internum

66 Identify Cervical Enlargement

67 Identify Lumbar Enlargement

68 Identify (Left Probe) Conus Medullaris – Medullary Cone

69 Identify Dorsal root

70 Identify Dorsal root (Spinal) ganglion (not a great image)

71 Identify Ventral root

72 Identify Caudia equina

73 Identify Dorsal Ramus (C3 FYI)

74 Identify Head of the rib

75 Identify Neck of the rib

76 Identify Tubercle of the rib

77 Identify Angle of the rib

78 Identify Shaft (body) of the rib

79 Identify Costal groove

80 Identify Costal cartilage

81 Identify Costal cartilage

82 True ribs – 1-7 False ribs – 8-10 Floating ribs – 11-12 Probably will be tagged on a skeleton in the labs

83 Identify Jugular Notch (suprasternal notch)

84 Identify Manubrium

85 Identify Sternal angel

86 Identify Xiphoid process

87 Identify Sternoclavicular joint (medial end)

88 Identify Acrmioclavicular joint (lateral end)

89 Identify Coracoid process

90 Identify Nipple (Duh) – at intercostal space 4

91 Identify Areola

92 Identify Lactiferous ducts

93 Identify Lactiferous sinus

94 Identify Suspensory ligament (of Cooper)

95 Identify (Probe) Subclavius

96 Identify Pectoralis major muscle, sternocostal head

97 Identify Pectoralis major, clavicular head

98 Identify Pectoralis minor muscle

99 Identify Serratus anterior muscle

100 Identify Lateral pectoral nerve

101 Identify Medial pectoral nerve

102 Medial pectoral nerve innervates both pectoralis major and minor. Remember: Medial Does More!

103 Identify Cephalic vein

104 Identify Thoracoacromial artery

105 It was very hard to find good images for these next 2. We did our best to ID them correctly. However, look at Netter, 4 th Ed., on plate 429 for a very good representation We couldn’t find images of Acromial and Deltoid branches of the thoracoacromial artery

106 Identify Thoracoacromial artery, clavicular branch

107 Identify Thoracoacromial artery, pectoral branch

108 Identify Lateral Thoracic artery

109 Netanatomy Time!!! Arrows show direction of answers from start to finish

110 Start Finish

111 Start Finish

112 Start Finish

113 Start Finish

114 Start Finish

115 Start Finish

116 Start Finish

117 Start

118 Finish

119 Start

120 Omissions Longissimus capitis m. Laminae of vertebrae Interspinous ligaments Posterior internal vertebral venous plexus Ventral ramus Retromammary space Acromial and Deltoid branch of Thoracoacromial artery Dorsal scapula nerve and artery Lumbar vertebrae C7 and its spinous process DOUBLE CHECK YOUR BPL FOR ANYTHING ELSE WE MAY HAVE MISSED

121 Tips Don’t use alternative terminology not on the BPL – the BPL is always right Read the question card VERY carefully Take as much time as you need Radiographs are free points – they tell you what images you are going to see You can review the paper BPL before the practical, after the written


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