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JAPAN’S STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING INFORMATION ACCESS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Kazuo Sunaga Director, Research and Programming Division Economic Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "JAPAN’S STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING INFORMATION ACCESS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Kazuo Sunaga Director, Research and Programming Division Economic Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAPAN’S STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING INFORMATION ACCESS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Kazuo Sunaga Director, Research and Programming Division Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2 Four Pillars of Japan’s ODA Policy on ICT (a) Raising awareness and contributing to policy and institution-building; (b) Developing and training of human resources; (c) Building infrastructure and providing assistance for networking; and (d) Promoting the use of IT in development projects.

3 Japan’s Comprehensive Cooperation Package on ICT  Announced during the G-8 Kyushu- Okinawa Summit in July 2000  Consisting of non-ODA (Other Official Flows or OOF) and ODA public funding  A total of US$15 billion over five years  Emphasis on private sector initiative

4 The basic framework of Japan’s IT assistance Bilateral Cooperation Bilateral Cooperation (2000-2001, in million Yen\) * OOF 1. Export Loans (JBIC) - \64,860 2. Investment Loans (JBIC) - \23,711 3. Untied Loans (JBIC) - \104,790 * ODA 1. Yen Loan (JBIC) - \52,067 2. Grant Aid (MOFA, JICA) – IT Grant - \10,023 3. Technical Cooperation (JICA) – \15,862

5 The basic framework of Japan’s IT assistance Multilateral Cooperation Multilateral Cooperation * Cooperation with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank * Cooperation with the UNDP Japan’s “IT Fund” Contribution to the UNDP

6 Realizing the Four Pillars Raising awareness and contributing to policy and institution-building Raising awareness and contributing to policy and institution-building * Dispatch of experts to support the formulation of IT policies in Indonesia * Provision of technical support to expand Internet use in local communities in Malaysia * Assistance in the formulation of a telecommunications master plan in Laos

7 Realizing the Four Pillars Provision of technical assistance to the Vietnam Information Technology Training Institute - dispatch of Japanese experts - training of Vietnamese participants in Japan - provision of IT equipment Development and training of human resources

8 Development and training of human resources (continued) Development and training of human resources (continued) Organizing the training program for e-commerce in the Philippines - participation of trainees from other Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam Provision of equipment and conduct of training in the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies ©JICA

9 Realizing the Four Pillars Building infrastructure and providing assistance for networking Building infrastructure and providing assistance for networking * Provision of radio broadcasting equipment in Tanzania * Provision of television equipment to Afghanistan * Rehabilitation of a telephone network in Angola * Rehabilitation of a telephone network in Angola ©JICA

10 Realizing the Four Pillars Promoting the use of IT in development projects Promoting the use of IT in development projects * Provision of yen loan for the New Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management Project in the Philippines * Provision of yen loan for the New Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management Project in the Philippines * Provision of communications equipment and conduct of IT training in the University of the South Pacific, Fiji

11 As of April 2003 OKINAWA TOKYOTOKYO KUALA LUMPUR JAKARTA MANILA Currently operational Bangkok VientianeHanoi Open in year 2003 GDLN(WB) Internet Connection As of April 2003 Promoting the use of IT in development projects (continued) JICA-Net – serves as a tool for distance learning ©JICA

12 PhilippinesMalaysiaIndonesiaTokyoOkinawa Lecture and materials on two screens Government officials, counterparts, etc Government officials, counterparts, etc. Q & A Live lectures Live lecture / seminar Typical scenes on JICA-Net Promoting the use of IT in development projects (continued) ©JICA


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