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Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) June 24, 2008 Westmar Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) June 24, 2008 Westmar Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) June 24, 2008 Westmar Middle School

2 Presenters Katie Buskirk, Assistant Principal Jen Kallenborn, School Psychologist Sue Raines, PBIS team member and School Improvement Specialist

3 Contact Information Westmar Middle School 16915 Upper Georges Creek Road, SW Lonaconing, MD 21539 301-463-5751, 301-463-5021;

4 Why PBIS? Referrals not an issue Positive reinforcement Incentive to be successful Means of building character and work ethic Means of reaching our FARMs students Individualize program for SWDs

5 Demographics Enrollment 300 FARMS 50% Students with Disablilities (SWD) 16% Mobility 5%

6 Referral Data YearReferrals Reduction Prior to PBIS 05-06 398 referrals ---------- First Year PBIS 06-07294 referrals 26.13 % Second Year PBIS 07-08247 referrals 15.98 %

7 Administrative and Instructional Time GAINED Administrative Instructional 2006-2007 26 hours 78 hours 2007-2008 11.25 hours 33.75 hours

8 School Wide Rules Wildcats R.O.A.R. Respect Organization Achievement Responsibility “Westmar Middle School R.O.A.R.s with Respect, Organization, Achievement, and Responsibility”

9 Work to earn a Power Paw! Making the Honor Roll Having perfect attendance each quarter Being a Student of the Month Being prepared for class Earning a good grade on tests and projects Answering questions correctly during a review

10 School Incentives Weekly drawings Special activities (i.e.popcorn and movie) Merchandise cart Gift cards Free admission to dance, free snack at dance, admission to high school game

11 School Incentives Free test question pass Homework Pass Certificates to local restaurants Sundae Mondays (BIG HIT!!!!) Homeroom competitions Large prize drawings—iPods, computers Field Day activities Individual incentives for Red Zone students

12 Data Analysis Highlight specific problem (i.e. behaviors, settings) Meet with teams monthly Identify students with particular difficulty Create special incentives Meet with classes as necessary Make comparisons to prior years

13 Program Sustainability Continually changing incentives Targeting lessons at the beginning of the year Meeting with classes as necessary Getting feedback from students & teachers Providing staff incentives Using posters throughout the building Doing grade level incentives Including in parent newsletters

14 Parent Newsletters Letter at the beginning of year (with matrix) Parent and student signature on matrix “PBIS News” section Listing of business donors Announcement of winners Current/upcoming incentives

15 Westmar Wildcat Success Buy-in from staff Administrative commitment to program Strong community support Addition to the progressive discipline policy already in place that allowed for teacher empowerment Student enthusiasm

16 Respect, Organization, Achievement and Responsibility

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