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PVAF 2020 Randy Steiner December 5, 2015. You have been on the board for a few years and are proud of the accomplishments of the foundation. What would.

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Presentation on theme: "PVAF 2020 Randy Steiner December 5, 2015. You have been on the board for a few years and are proud of the accomplishments of the foundation. What would."— Presentation transcript:

1 PVAF 2020 Randy Steiner December 5, 2015

2 You have been on the board for a few years and are proud of the accomplishments of the foundation. What would you like to be able to say to new board members? Remember when you were in school and wondered what the AIA meant? Now years later, what do you see want people to think of when they see the letters “AIA” after a name? SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER IS GOOD FOR ALL OF US … AND EVERYONE ELSE TOO! December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

3 What was your most valuable experience as a student in architecture school or other higher education? How would you like to see such an experience still be offered? Your experience –Learning about the technical aspects of construction –Learning about the building codes and their impact on designs –Building models –Being inspired by some amazingly talented classmates –Taking photographs while on field trips How to offer that today –Mentoring and offering “Open Office Days” –Visiting high schools on “Career Days” –Reaching out to students in schools of architecture as constructive members of design juries December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

4 What educational experiences do you think would be valuable today as the profession has changed? Learning computer software early as a freshman Being immersed in public speaking Working with other professions in an outreach beyond design … facility management and construction management December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

5 In terms of promoting architectural research, what are three areas that you feel need to be examined in greater depth in the local area on a county level? On a state wide level? On a global level? Local/county: –Design Competitions? –Bring back drafting into the high schools –Set up restrictions that set aside a certain amount of locally funded work be designed by local architects with residence in the county Statewide: –Design Competitions? –Set up restrictions that set aside a certain amount of locally funded work be designed by local architects with residence in the county –Establish stronger incentives for more efficient design National/Global: –????????? December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

6 What recent trends in architecture, fine arts or performing arts have you become more aware of in the past five years? How did you become informed about these shifts/trends. Social media? Advertising? Word of mouth? What else? Recent trends –HGTV –TINY-SMALL-MEDIUM HOUSE –NEW MATERIALS –CONTORTED CURVED BUILDINGS WITH WALLS/ROOFS/FLOORS ALL IN ONE –MUSIC WITH MEANINGLESS LYRICS –ANGRY MUSIC –SNARKY MESSAGES ON INSTAGRAM How I learned about them –STUDENTS –INSTAGRAM –FACEBOOK –MY SONS AND DAUGHTER December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

7 If the PVAF should suddenly become endowed with one million dollars, how would you suggest we allocate it? TWO IDEAS! Objective: Show the community that architects care about homes. It is the dominant aspect of the PVAF chapter. #1 DESIGN/BUILD A SMALL HOUSE IN PG + MONTGOMVERY COUNTY –Purchase a small property in each county –Hold a design competition for the design/build team –Design a XS/S house and build it and sell it at a profit –Therefore, keep building and selling XS/S houses to promote what architects do! Or #2 BUILD A HOMELESS SHELTER –Purchase a small property or existing structure in PG or Montgomery County –Hold a design competition for the design/build team –Design and donate shelter to community December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

8 What is the most effective fundraising strategy you have seen used by a nonprofit you have supported? How could a similar strategy be adapted to help PVAF reach its goals? Strategy –SILENT AUCTION Adapted for PVAF –SILENT AUCTION? December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

9 What’s your one “big idea” for PVAF in 2016-2020? December 5, 2015PVAF 2020

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