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By: Angie Hurst & Natalie Wilson Monday, 11/16/15 5:30 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Angie Hurst & Natalie Wilson Monday, 11/16/15 5:30 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Angie Hurst & Natalie Wilson Monday, 11/16/15 5:30 p.m.

2  Teacher Team Goals:  To guide students in the collaboration and creation of quality projects to demonstrate. technological proficiency across the curriculums.  Teckee Team Goals:  To collaborate and create quality projects to demonstrate technological proficiency across the curriculums.

3  0ES will be hosting it’s 3 rd annual Technology Fair January 15, 2016.  This event will showcase the exceptional talents of our students in grades 3 rd -4 th and provide them the opportunity to compete with their projects.


5 11/30/15

6  All projects MUST be student created.  Representing OES  Students who place 1 st or 2 nd at JSU move on to State (Usually held in April).  Students may work in groups, pairs, or as individuals.  Groups may not be any larger than 2 people.  Meetings before the school fair are optional.  Meetings for those moving on to Regional Fair are NOT optional. They will be for refining projects.  Students are expected to meet all deadlines.  Deadlines are a part of the real world and must be met.  Teachers will complete an evaluation of the students participating in the school fair and that will be part of their overall score.

7  We will follow the rubrics and guidelines of the JSU Regional and the State Fair.  We have judges from our community come to judge the kids.  Board Office Members  Lt. Don Ridley  JSU professors and teachers  Community members

8  There are 6 categories in our technology fair:  1. General Applications  2. Multimedia  3. Web Site Creation  4. Video Production  5. Hardware-Robotics  6. Computer Programming  Let’s take a closer look at each category:

9  General Applications:  Word Document  BASIC PowerPoint (no music or video/movie)  Spreadsheets  Word processing programs  Desktop Publishing programs

10  Multimedia:  PowerPoint (advanced) using different programs, adding music, adding video clips/movies  Astound  Kid Pix  KidWorks Deluxe  Storybook Weaver  HyperStudio  Word Perfect Presentations  Claris Works  and go to Multimedia

11  Video Production:  Windows Movie Maker  Toshiba Movie Designer  Imovie  Any program you have that converts video to movies.

12  Web Site Creation:  Blogs  Wiki’s  Google sites  Ning  Weebly for education  and go to website creation for children  is AWESOME!

13  Hardware-Robotics:  Google search: Making a robot for kids

14  Computer Programming:  Google search: computer programming for kids

15  Students can do their projects on anything they are passionate about or any subject they have a lot of knowledge about.  Projects that have a school tie-in or that were directly assigned in class receive extra points at the Regional and State ACTE Technology Fair.

16  Students will compete in Levels  Level I is 3 rd and 4 th grade  Students may enter more than one category, but may have only one project per category.  Students may enter an individual project AND be part of a group project within a single category.  Students can compete in a groups of no more than 2.

17  All projects need to be saved on a USB jump drive (flash drive)  All files, pictures, video clips, music, etc. will also need to be saved on that jump drive  Windows Movie Maker is VERY tricky sometimes if you try to create a project on a computer and copy it to a jump drive—it is best to begin the project by saving everything to the jump drive. That way everything will pull up wherever you are!

18  We will have space available for you to set- up a laptop if your project requires a certain program that we would not have at school.  Otherwise, your child will show their project to the judges by inserting their jump drive into a computer in the library.  There will be “practice” times available the week before the fair for students to bring their projects and make sure they pull up without “glitches”.

19  A project notebook must accompany every project.  There are details on the website and the handout. 

20  Friday, January 16 th  Students will compete throughout the school day and winners will be announced that afternoon before school is over.  Judges will be teachers from other schools, our Board Office, and community members.  Any questions: Please e-mail me at

21  Held on Friday, March 18, 2016.  There will be a 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place winner in each category at our local fair.  1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place projects will advance to the ACTE Regional Technology Fair at Jacksonville State University in March, 2016. (Alabama Council for Technology in Education)  There will be a 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place winner in each category at the regional level.  1 st and 2 nd place winners at JSU advance to State level in April.

22  Rules are in the packet.  Please read through them.  No displays or poster boards

23  Deadlines are important.  All groups or individuals need to be finalized and turned in to Mrs. Hurst by Monday, 11/30/15.  PROJECTS MUST BE STUDENT CREATED!!!!

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