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Ionic Bonding. Drill – 12/21 Identify the following as ionic or covalent: 1. High melting point 2. High conductivity 3. High solubility in water 4. Metal.

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Presentation on theme: "Ionic Bonding. Drill – 12/21 Identify the following as ionic or covalent: 1. High melting point 2. High conductivity 3. High solubility in water 4. Metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ionic Bonding

2 Drill – 12/21 Identify the following as ionic or covalent: 1. High melting point 2. High conductivity 3. High solubility in water 4. Metal bonded to Non-metal 5. Stronger bond

3 Create a poster for ionic bonding that meets the following objectives: SWBAT define ionic bonding and list characteristics of it. SWBAT define lattice energy and explain its significance. SWBAT demonstrate ionic bond formation using electron-dot notation. (using a non-textbook example)

4 What is an ionic bond? Chemical bond formed b/n 2 or more elements with opposite ionic charge. This is the strongest type of chemical bond.

5 Salts Compounds formed by ionic bonds. This consists of a cation (metal) and an anion (nonmetal). Table Salt (NaCl) is only one example of a salt!!!

6 Formula Unit Simplest ratio of a salt’s composition

7 Why do atoms form bond? To be STABLE Atoms with 8 valence electrons are in their lowest energy state. All atoms strive to have the electron configuration of the closest noble gas.


9 Predicting Ion Charge Atoms will gain or lose electrons to achieve the electron configuration of the closest noble gas in order to fulfill an octet.

10 Metallic Bonding Valence electrons have mobility (not shared between atoms or in crystal lattice) Metals have many vacant orbitals (they usually have 1 or 2 valence electrons, only filling their s orbital) These vacant orbitals overlap and the outer electrons roam freely between them. Creates a sea of electrons

11 Fixed Nucleus

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