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Combustion Fuel + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + Energy. RELEVANCERELEVANCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Combustion Fuel + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + Energy. RELEVANCERELEVANCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combustion Fuel + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + Energy


3 Experimental Design Overall Set Up Can should be gripped not crushed Adjust tension and height with clamp on the ring stand using thumb screws

4 Wick Length The wick should be trimmed to ~ ¼ of an inch. Done by “pinching” the burnt wick with fingernails. Long wicks droop causing the candle to burn quickly and unevenly.

5 Adjustments Wing nuts for adjustment Upright Up and down Tighten Clamp 1-2 cm above candle wick (½ to ¾ inch).

6 Heating Do not heat with thermometer in the can. Flame in the center can bottom Heat for ~7 minutes.

7 Drafts o minimize the contact o reduce efficiency and heat transfer o block drafts from outside sources The depression in the bottom helps block some of the drafts. Don’t “breathe” on the candle.

8 Some charring normal, especially when drafts interfere. Remove and extinguish the heat source before inserting the thermometer. Do not touch thermometer to bottom of can After burning o Measure mass o Measure temperature

9 Clean Up Aluminum Can o Empty & place upside down on paper towel o Wipe off charring from bottom of can Clean Work Space with water & paper towel (residual soot) Refill DI water bottle Sign and date conclusion and discussion pages in ink

10 Question 2 Specific Heat: C=1 cal/g o C o 1 Calorie to raise 1 gram of water 1 o C o How many calories to raise 10 grams of water? o 500 grams of water? o Was the water in the can increased by just 1 o C? Zona

11 Question 2 Specific Heat: C=1 cal/g o C o What formula should you use? o What do the component of the formula represent? Swanson

12 Question 3 Calories/g Joules/g How many kJ/g? Experimental to theoretical? What % efficiency? Zona

13 Question 3 What conversions are necessary? What is your experimental energy? Experimental to theoretical? What % efficiency? Swanson

14 Question 4 Molar Ratio? Molar Mass of Candle Mass of Candle? Mass Candle =Mass CO 2 C 25 H 52 + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O Zona

15 Question 4 Molar Ratio? Molar Mass of Candle? of CO 2 ? What conversions are needed? C 25 H 52 + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O Swanson

16 Question 5 How many joules produced? How long did the candle burn? Zona

17 Question 5 How many joules produced? How long did the candle burn? Swanson

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