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Welcome to Music! Keeping in Harmony With Assessments in K-1 Music Reference: Answers to Essential Questions About Standards, Assessments, Grading, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Music! Keeping in Harmony With Assessments in K-1 Music Reference: Answers to Essential Questions About Standards, Assessments, Grading, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Music! Keeping in Harmony With Assessments in K-1 Music Reference: Answers to Essential Questions About Standards, Assessments, Grading, and Reporting (Tomas R. Guskey & Lee Ann Jung)

2 Assessment Philosophy

3 How Is My Assessment Philosophy in Harmony With Teaching Music? I believe assessments are to be used for the benefit of student learning & progress Assessments should encourage and motivate growth and learning in the music classroom All assessments should guide and inform my instruction

4 Why Assess? Assessments help me to put the pieces together so I know what students know, which informs me for planning next steps in my lessons. To keep me on target (in harmony) with standards To inform students about their progress To communicate student progress to parents

5 What Will Be Assessed?

6 What Is Assessed So We Stay In Harmony With Music Standards? Washington State and Issaquah School District have learning standards with specific grade level expectations that provide a foundation to guide my instruction and assessments in music

7 Tidbits Of How We Stay in Harmony With the Standards: I use the standards to guide lesson planning I prepare daily learning targets (in child-friendly language) from the standards and use them to keep my instruction & students accountable to the standards Your child can monitor his/her progress as I teach and assess Parents have access to learning targets & their child’s progress: s_christensens_site/default.aspx s_christensens_site/default.aspx

8 How Will My Child Be Assessed In Harmony With Music Standards?

9 Formative & Summative

10 Formative Assessments

11 Formative Assessments: How We Stay In Harmony With Music Standards To Aid Student Learning: Formative assessments inform me what my next steps are: what does the student know, how well, and what does he/she need to know to successfully meet music standards/learning targets? The intent: where we can improve Examples: Group or solo performances, Exit or entrance slips (brief questions to answer), classroom discussions, observations, conferring with students, group projects, independent work, journal entries…

12 Summative Assessments

13 Summative Assessments: How We Stay In Harmony With Formal Assessments Summative assessments provide me with more broad culminating evidence (data) to determine mastery and next levels of learning skills Examples: Issaquah School District Pre and Post Rhythm assessments (September/April) Curriculum assessments Unit Assessments

14 Communication About Assessments

15 How We Stay In Harmony Through Assessment & Course Communication: Unit Outline (posted on website) for parent review Daily Learning Targets & Goal Setting Conferences & Trimester Grades; although your child’s scores are for participation during the primary years, this is an important component to his/her performance in class. Carefully read through expectations and comments for next steps Private conferences, personal email, etc.; please contact me with any questions or concerns


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