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Slide 1 UCSC 100 Gbps Science DMZ – 1 year 9 month Update Brad Smith & Mary Doyle.

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1 Slide 1 UCSC 100 Gbps Science DMZ – 1 year 9 month Update Brad Smith & Mary Doyle

2 Slide 2 Goal 1 - 100 Gbps DMZ - Complete!

3 Slide 3 Goal 2 – Collaborate with users to use it! MCD Biologist doing brain wave imaging SCIPP analyzing LHC ATLAS data HYADES cluster doing Astrophysics visualizations CBSE Cancer Genomics Hub

4 Slide 4 Exploring mesoscale brain wave imaging data James Ackman Assistant Professor Department of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology University of California, Santa Cruz 1. Record brain activity patterns 2. Analyze cerebral connectivity local computing external computing Science DMZ Acquire 60 2.1GB TIFF images/day (120 GB/day total). Initially transfer 20 Mbps = 12-15 mins/TIFF = 15hrs/day! With Science DMZ 354 Mbps = 1min = 1hr/day! Expected to grow 10x over near term

5 Slide 5 Ryan Reece Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics SCIPP Network Usage for Physics with ATLAS

6 Slide 6 T. Rex Humans (for scale) ATLAS is a 7 story tall, 100 megapixel “camera” taking 3-D pictures of proton-proton collisions 20 million times per second, saving 10 PB of data per year. ATLAS is a 7 story tall, 100 megapixel “camera” taking 3-D pictures of proton-proton collisions 20 million times per second, saving 10 PB of data per year. proton beam p+p+ p+p+ Tracker Muon Spectrometer Calorimeter collision point ATLAS Detector

7 Slide 7 Data Volume LHC running 2009-2012 produced ~ 100 PB –Currently ~10 PB/year SCIPP process and skim that on the LHC computing grid, and bring ~10 TB of data to SCIPP each year. –12hr transfer time impacts ability to provide input for next experiment Expect ≈ 4 times the data volume in the next run 2015-2018. Our bottleneck is downloading the skimmed data to SCIPP. Current download rate ~ few TB every few weeks.

8 Slide 8 Throughput 1 Gbps – 400 Mbps Dell 6248 Switch (2007) atlas01 (headprv) atlas02 (int0prv) atlas03 (nfsprv) atlas04 (int1prv) wrk0prv wrk1prv wrk2prv... wrk7prv XROOTD nfs public network private network XROOTD data-flow NFS data-flow public-private network bridge 128 CPUs 1 Gb campus network 1 Gb downloading from grid users 1 Gb ≈20 TB

9 Slide 9 Dell 6248 Switch (2007) atlas01 (headprv) atlas02 (int0prv) atlas03 (nfsprv) atlas04 (int1prv) wrk0prv wrk1prv wrk2prv... wrk7prv XROOTD nfs public network private network XROOTD data-flow NFS data-flow public-private network bridge 128 CPUs 10 Gb 1 Gb campus network 10 Gb downloading from grid users 1 Gb ≈20 TB Throughput 10 Gbps – 400 Mbps?!

10 Slide 10 Dell 6248 Switch (2007) atlas01 (headprv) atlas02 (int0prv) atlas03 (nfsprv) atlas04 (int1prv) wrk0prv wrk1prv wrk2prv... wrk7prv XROOTD nfs public network private network XROOTD data-flow NFS data-flow public-private network bridge 128 CPUs 10 Gb 1 Gb campus network 10 Gb downloading from grid users 1 Gb ≈20 TB 10 Gb Offload Dell Switch – 1.6 Gbps With help from ESNet!

11 Slide 11 SCIPP Summary Quadrupled throughput –Reduce download time from 12 hrs to 3 hrs Still long ways from 10 Gbps potential –~30mins (factor of 8) Probably not going to be enough for new run –~4x data volume Possible problems –Atlas03 storage (not enough spindles) –WAN or protocol problems –6 year old Dell switch –Investigating GridFTP solution and new LHC data access node from SDSC We are queued up to help them when they’re ready…

12 Slide 12 Hyades Hyades is an HPC cluster for Computational Astrophysics Funded by a $1 million grant from NSF in 2012 Users from departments of  Astronomy & Astrophysics  Physics  Earth & Planetary Sciences  Applied Math & Statistics  Computer Science, etc Many are also users of national supercomputers

13 Slide 13 Hyades Hardware 180 Compute Nodes 8 GPU Nodes 1 MIC Node 1 big-memory Analysis Node 1 3D Visualization Node Lustre Storage, providing 150TB of scratch space 2 FreeBSD Files Servers, providing 260TB of NFS space 1 PetaByte Cloud Storage System, using Amazon S3 protocols

14 Slide 14

15 Slide 15 Data Transfer 100+ TB between Hyades and NERSC 20 TB between Hyades and NASA Pleiades; in the process of moving 60+ TB from Hyades to NCSA Blue Waters 10 TB from Europe to Hyades Shared 10 TB of simulation data with collaborators in Australia, using the Huawei Cloud Storage

16 Slide 16 Remote Visualization Ein is a 3D Visualization workstation, located in an Astronomy office (200+ yards from Hyades) Connected to Hyades via a 10G fiber link Fast network enables remote visualization in real time: –Graphics processing locally on Ein –Data storage and processing remotely, either on Hyades or on NERSC supercomputers

17 Slide 17 CBSE CGHub NIH/NCI archive of cancer genomes 10/2014 - 1.6PB of genomes uploaded 1/2014 – 1PB/month downloaded(!) Located at SDSC… managed from UCSC Working with CGHub to explore L2/“engineered” paths

18 Slide 18 Innovations… “Research Data Warehouse” –DTN with long-term storage Whitebox switches –On chip packet buffer – 12 MB –128 10 Gb/s SERDES... so 32 40-gig ports –SOC… price leader, uses less power –Use at network edge

19 Slide 19 Project Summary 100 Gbps Science DMZ completed Improved workflow for a number of research groups Remaining targets –Extend Science DMZ to more buildings –Further work with SCIPP… when they need it –L2 (“engineered”) paths with CBSE (genomics) –SDN integration Innovations –“Research Data Warehouse” - DTN as long-term storage –Whitebox switches

20 Slide 20 Questions? Brad Smith Director Research & Faculty Partnerships, ITS University of California Santa Cruz

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