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What is a Rubric? A rubric is a set of scoring criteria for a performance task. A rubric also serves as a blueprint for the student to use in constructing.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Rubric? A rubric is a set of scoring criteria for a performance task. A rubric also serves as a blueprint for the student to use in constructing."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Rubric? A rubric is a set of scoring criteria for a performance task. A rubric also serves as a blueprint for the student to use in constructing the task. A rubric gives the student clear expectations and enables higher quality performance.

3 A rubric also insures that the teacher knows the desired outcomes and standards for a performance task prior to instruction. To construct the rubric, the teacher must think through the details of the task prior to instruction; this insures alignment of instruction and assessment. In most cases, the teacher must actually do the task (write the essay, create the project) in order to refine the rubric.

4 Some rubrics are simple, such as a checklist given to students for how a notebook will be evaluated.

5 Some are complex, as for the rubric for papers, reports, and cooperative projects.

6 Rubrics for cooperative learning projects must set clear guidelines for the group learning, but must also set clear expectations for individual accountability and summative assessment of the knowledge gained by each individual student through participation in the task.

7 LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE 25% Group member played a passive role, generating few new ideas; tended to only do what they were told to do by others, or did not seek help when needed. Group member played an active role in generating new ideas, took initiative in getting tasks organized and completed and sought help when needed. In addition to the “Acceptable” qualities, the group member provided leadership to the group by thoughtfully organizing and dividing the work, checking on progress, or providing focus and direction for the project. FACILITATION AND SUPPORT 25% Group member seemed unable or unwilling to help others, made non- constructive criticisms toward the project or other group members or was distracted other members. Group member demonstrated willingness to help other group members when asked, actively listened to the ideas of others, and helped create a positive work environment. In addition to the “Acceptable” qualities, the group member would actively checked with others to understand how each member was progressing and how he or she may be of help. CONTRIBUTIONS AND WORK ETHIC 50% Group member was often off task, did not complete assignments or duties, or had attendance problems that significantly impeded progress on project. May have worked hard but on relatively unimportant parts of the project. Group member was prepared to work each day, met due dates by completing assignments/duties, and worked hard on the project a most of the time. If absent, other group members knew the reason and progress was not significantly impeded. In addition to the “Acceptable” qualities, the group member made up for work left undone by other group members, demonstrated willingness to spend significant time outside of class/school to complete the project. 123


9 Determine the learning outcomes Keep it short and simple (include 4-15 items; use brief statements or phrases) Each rubric item should focus on a different skill Focus on how students develop and express their learning

10 Evaluate only measurable criteria The entire rubric should fit on one sheet of paper Reevaluate the rubric (Did it Work? Was it sufficiently detailed?)


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