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Fresh water Jeopardy Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Fresh water Jeopardy Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5 10 20 30 40 50

3 A decrease in temperature may cause water to change from a A.Solid to a liquid B.Liquid to a solid C.Solid to a gas D.Liquid to a gas

4 About how much of the total water on Earth is salt water? A.3% B.24% C.76% D.97%

5 Divides separate what? A.Wells B.Aquifers C.Permeable rock D.Drainage basins

6 Which water cycle process is rain? A.Precipitation B.Evaporation C.Condensation D.Transpiration

7 Water is important because it A.Is necessary for life B.Never changes form C.Covers ¼ of Earth’s surface D.Always exists in a liquid state

8 Name a type of hot spring A.Aquifer B.Geyser C.Artesian well D.Drainage basin

9 Most of Earth’s fresh water is found in… A.Glaciers and icebergs B.Rivers and streams C.Ponds and lakes D.Aquifers and springs

10 Precipitation that has become part of an aquifer is an example of … A.Lake water B.Salt water C.Artesian well D.Ground water

11 In a pond, an increase in nutrients may cause large amounts of algae to grow. This is the process of A.Eutrophication B.Evaporation C.Condensation D.Turnover

12 Bodies of surface water are called A.Aquifers and impermeable rocks B.Ponds and impermeable rocks C.Lakes and ponds D.Aquifers and streams

13 An increase in temperature can cause Liquid water to change to A.Ice cubes B.Water vapor C.Rain D.Sleet

14 Which of the following affects the way water flows over land? A.Gravity only B.Drainage basin only C.Both gravity and drainage basins D.Neither gravity nor drainage basins

15 Water covers nearly A.¾ of Earth’s surface B.¼ of Earth’s surface C.1/10 of Earth’s surface D.9/10 of Earth’s surface

16 Which water cycle process forms clouds? A.Evaporation B.Condensation C.Precipitation D.Transpiration

17 Which of these correctly describes the water on Earth? A.About 3% fresh and 97% salt B.About 24% fresh and 76% salt C.About 76% fresh and 24% salt D.About 97% fresh and 3% salt

18 Ground water that flows onto Earth’s surface because the land in this location is below the water table is called A.An aquifer B.A spring C.A glacier D.A well

19 Water that collects and moves beneath the Earth’s surface is called A.An aquifer B.Ground water C.Surface water D.A drainage basin

20 About two-thirds of Earth’s Fresh water is stored in A.Aquifers B.Oceans C.Glaciers and icebergs D.Rivers and lakes

21 When surface water from precipitation and streams fills low parts of land, it forms A.Impermeable rocks B.Water tables C.Lakes D.Aquifers

22 During the summer, the surface water Of a lake does not mix with cooler water Below it. In the fall, this warm layer cools and sinks. This is called A.Eutrophication B.Evaporation C.Condensation D.Turnover

23 Water with added nutrients causes? Eutrophication

24 Plant that grows in water? Algae

25 Lack of what causes fish to die in a lake? Oxygen

26 Process that turns lakes into meadows Eutrophication

27 Why are aquifers important to humans? It is where our water comes from It filters dirty water

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