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First Crusade and Trade Exploration. Origins of First Crusade

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1 First Crusade and Trade Exploration

2 Origins of First Crusade

3 First Crusades Started as a pilgrimage which quickly turned into a military expedition. Christians were trying to get back their holy land that they had lost 400 years before that. 1)Do you think this problem could have been solved without violence? If so why?

4 First Crusades Catholic faith dominated 11 th century western Europe. People believed their spirits would be cleansed by fighting in battle. Everything they did seemed to be soaked with sin. Pope Urban II initiated the Crusades. Very violent, lawless time in society. 2)Do you feel most citizens believed they were fighting to clean their sins? Were they fighting for their own safety? Were any scared to go against the church?

5 First Crusades "Christians, hasten to help your brothers in the East, for they are being attacked. Arm for the rescue of Jerusalem under your captain Christ. Wear his cross as your badge. If you are killed your sins will be pardoned.“-Pope Urban II Christian Alexius I of Constantinople(present day Turkey) feared that his country might also fall to the Muslims as it was very close to the territory captured by the Muslims. Constantinople is in modern day Turkey. Alexius called on the pope - Urban II - to give him help.

6 First Crusades The Crusaders could not use the Mediterranean Sea as the Crusaders did not control the ports on the coast of the Middle East. They had to cross land. They travelled from France through Italy, then Eastern Europe and then through what is now Turkey. They covered hundreds of miles, through scorching heat and also deep snow in the mountain passes. The Crusaders ran out of fresh water and some had to resort to drinking their own pee! Yuck!! 3)Are there any situations in today’s society that people go to extreme lengths to get from one place to another? (example Amazing Race or Tour de France).

7 Beginnings of Trade The conquest of Palestine by the Crusaders had first opened all the towns and harbours of this wealthy region to Western traders. Many new products were introduced to Europe during the Middle Ages which came from the Eastern lands which the Crusaders travelled through to reach Jerusalem. These traders were now able to permanently establish themselves and enjoy all sorts of privileges and exemptions from taxes. This type of trade required lots of treacherous travelling, so the need for stability increased and towns developed.

8 Trade During the crusades, trade development began to happen across the continent. This began with fairs and local markets but would soon grow to massive social gatherings. 4)Is there anything similar to this in today’s times? Ex.Farmers Market These fairs began with goods such as sugar, Egyptian paper, pearls, perfumes silk and spices but soon grew into finely crafted goods such as copper pots, gloves and cutlery. 5) How would this affect Italy and surrounding countries population growth?

9 Guilds Guilds were co-operative organizations that set standards for quality of their products, controlled prices for them, kept them out of unskilled craftspeople and eliminated competition. Security was an issues- This made the guilds more popular and helped protect against pirates, helped lighthouses become erected and treaties of commerce with foreign nations would be made. Apprentice->Journeyman->Master 6)Any groups like this today?

10 Rise of Middle Class End of Feudalism-Land was not the measure of wealth anymore. -This invigorated the middle class who were normally supressed. -Some merchants now become wealthier than rulers. -From this power shift from land to money and trade, feudal lords now had a difficult time adjusting which spelled the end of feudalism. Now the most powerful citizens were those who belonged to the merchant guilds.

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