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Photo History Timeline. As early as 1021, the camera obscura was developed.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo History Timeline. As early as 1021, the camera obscura was developed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo History Timeline

2 As early as 1021, the camera obscura was developed.

3 In 1839, Louis Daguerre developed the daguerreotype. Pros: Sharp, accurate detail in image Cons: Non-reproducible



6 Daguerreotype Camera

7 In 1839 (the same year the daguerreotype was developed), William Talbot introduced his calotype. Pros: Able to be reproduced Cons: Less sharp, less clear


9 Calotype Camera

10 Photography: “making the world smaller”




14 Photography impacts science: Muybridge “stops motion” with a camera

15 George Eastman develops the first Kodak “disposable” camera in 1888. “You press the button, we do the rest.”

16 One of the first mug shots – 1901.

17 Documentary style photography emerges Lincoln and officers before a battle


19 Lewis Hine documents child labor during the industrial revolution:

20 Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother Documents during the Dust Bowl

21 Different styles of photography: Soft, painterly

22 …Harsh and mechanical

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