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R&D by LCTPC collaboration Last week: DESY PRC review: Status report:

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1 R&D by LCTPC collaboration Last week: DESY PRC review: Status report: e59185/ e59185/ infoboxContent67368/tpc2010LOI17.pdf

2 P. Colas for the LC TPC collaboration PRC at DESY, Zeuthen

3 LC TPC gathers all the actors in R&D for a TPC at a LC 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC3 25/38 institutes from 12 countries have signed the MoU 7 institutes are observer. Most world specialists of TPCs, MPGD, front-end electronics, cooling, etc… are members

4 The EUDET facility at DESY Hamburg 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC4 SiPM Cosmic Trigger Setup LP : part of a TPC endplate  PCMAG: superconducting magnet, 1.2 T e - test beam @DESY (1GeV/c<p<6GeV/c) Saclay KEK Moving frame DESY

5 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC5 Field cage: extrapolable to LC L=61 cm, f=72 cm 1.2% X° Slow control: T,P, O 2, H 2 O Gas system The Large Prototype Endplate Sharing infrastructure: - avoids duplication - favours communication HV system DESY Cornell DESY Laser calibration U. Victoria

6 S1 S2 VeryVery Two copper perforated foils separated by an insulator (50  m). Multiplication takes place in the holes. Usually used in 2 or 3 stages. a micromesh supported by 50-100  m - high insulating pillars. Multiplication takes place between the anode and the mesh 200  m GEMMicromegas 14/10/20106P. Colas - LC TPC

7 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC7 Beam tests at DESY From October 2008 to September 2010 several GEM and Micromegas modules were tested in beam at the LP Micromegas Read out by T2K AFTER- based electronics (Saclay) With three GEM modules readout by PCA16-ALTRO electronics GEM Read out by ALTRO electronics (EUDET, Lund,CERN)

8 5 Micromegas Modules for TPC Resistive ink ~3 MΩ/□ Resistive Kapton ~5 MΩ/□ Standard 2 Resistive Kapton ~3 MΩ/□ 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC8 Bulk Micromegas: pillars hold the mesh on the whole surface: no need for frame Resistive bulk: continuous 2D RC network to spread the charge CERN Saclay Carleton

9 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC9 2-GEM ( laser etched, with 100 µm gap, from SciEnergy, Japan ), plus 1 gating grid ( replaced by a field shaper in Sep. 2010 ) GEMs pegged down by the two arc-shaped stiffeners Asian GEM Modules for TPC KEK Tsinghua Saga + other Japan Univ.

10 Module 4 Micromegas results (B = 0T & 1T) Carbon-loaded kapton resistive foil 14/10/201010P. Colas - LC TPC B=0 T C d = 315.1 µm/√cm (Magboltz) Module 3 B=1 T C d = 94.2 µm/√cm (Magboltz) χ 2 /Ndof = 10.6 / 10 χ 2 /Ndof = 29.1 / 11 Averaging B=0T data and B=1T data (excluding ink module): N eff = 38.0±0.2(stat) ±0.8 (Cd syst) σ 0 = 59 ± 3 µm 80 µm resolution at 2m in B=3.5 T !

11 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC11 Resolution with GEMs 3 modules allow a momentum measurement : 1/P T resolution extrapolated to z=0 obtained 0.083 GeV -1 (expected 0.081 GeV -1 ) Using MarlinTPC software

12 Micromegas+pixels, GridPix TimePix chip : 65 000 digital pixels (55 µm x 55 µm) with time and TOT measurement Single electron capability Octopuce : 8 chips bounded on a LP panel. Next steps within AIDA 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC12 Single electron efficiency vs gain determined by counting electrons from a source, assuming some analytic form for avalanche fluctuations Nikhef Saclay Bonn CERN e- content and width of the escape peak

13 GEM + Pixels 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC13 /cm 2 TimePix quads topped by 3 GEMs

14 SOFTWARE LC TPC developped a common software for reconstruction and simulation of test data: MarlinTPC (based on the ILC software). This provides input for ILD design and benchmark studies It includes reconstruction up to hit level (treatment of charge- spreading by resistive anodes to come) Packages are available for track finding and fitting (Kalman filter, Hough transform,  2 and likelihood) Calibration and correction methods (alignment, inhomogeneous fields) tools are being set up with the ILD collaboration 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC14 DESY, KEK, Bonn, Tsinghua, Victoria, Carleton…

15 DESY GEM module 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC15 Present GEMs need improved flatness: a design with a thin ceramic support structure is under construction. The GEMs are stretchless in this design, minimizing the dead space and flattening the gaps. This also allows to reach the dE/dx goal and provides robustness. Previous studies with MediTPC showed that the ceramic grid (1 mm x 1 mm mullions) has a negligeable effect on single-point resolution.

16 Effort to integrate the electronics flat behind the modules : cards with naked wire-bonded chips, special high density flat connectors, tailored protection Expect noise reduction Air cooling “Power-pulsing ready” Status: Backend and 2 prototype module cards operational, FECs under fabrication. Test of 1 module soon, construc- tion in 2011 and full tests in 2012 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC16 Saclay Carleton 7-module electronics for Micromegas LP test

17 Until now used PCA16 preamp and ALTRO filter+ADC Full chain new S- ALTRO16 chip prototype submitted Will be mounted on Multi-Channel Modules Towards new chip 64 channels CO2 Cooling and power pulsing foreseen (to be tested in a 5T magnet) 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC17 S-Altro electronics The final electronics (could be SALTRO 64) will be usable for both GEM and Micromegas

18 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC18 New Endplate under study at Cornell: hybrid Al (for surfaces) and composite (for rigidity) Or light space frame Mechanical studies for the ILD TPC within AIDA (DESY-Saclay) Mechanical engineered design Deflexion O(150 µm) @ 3 mbar

19 Towards the Detailed Baseline The next milestone of LC TPC is to converge towards a Detailed Baseline Document answering all the open questions New endplate and field cage designs with reduced material budget S-ALTRO 16 chip in production Add He compressors to PCMAG (AIDA-DESY + KEK-TOSHIBA) lowers operation cost and makes the magnet movable Cooling and power pulsing will be tested (need 5T magnet) Software developments towards corrections for space charge and field inhomogeneity TimePix 2 and its readout 14/10/2010P. Colas - LC TPC19

20 TPC Large Prototype Beam Test : Tentative Schedule 2010-2011 Continue LP1 at DESY to complete the measure of momentum resolution and others. 2010-2011 Continue LP1 at DESY to complete the measure of momentum resolution and others. 2011 PCMAG modification: Potable PCMAG without Liq. He 2011 PCMAG modification: Potable PCMAG without Liq. He 2012Continue LP1while preparing LP2 with advanced endplate at DEST T24-1 beam line. 2012Continue LP1while preparing LP2 with advanced endplate at DEST T24-1 beam line. 2012-LP2 with advanced endplate (at DESY) 2012-LP2 with advanced endplate (at DESY) Possibly visit a hadron beam (10-100GeV/c) for a few months. 20

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