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Dolch Words - First Grade, set B has her him his how just know let live may of old once open Try to read the word on the blue slide. Then, click to see.

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Presentation on theme: "Dolch Words - First Grade, set B has her him his how just know let live may of old once open Try to read the word on the blue slide. Then, click to see."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dolch Words - First Grade, set B has her him his how just know let live may of old once open Try to read the word on the blue slide. Then, click to see if you’re right.

3 has

4 He has baseball practice after school.

5 her

6 Her prom dress is purple.

7 him

8 I like to watch him roller blade because he knows so many cool tricks.

9 his

10 His means it belongs to him. his

11 His jump won a silver medal.

12 how

13 how ? Do you know how to beat this level of video game?

14 just

15 It was just a tarantula, but my sister screamed like she’d seen a ghost!

16 know

17 I know


19 let

20 Little pig, little pig let me come in!

21 live

22 We live in a desert.

23 live Live music means you are hearing the artist as they perform, not a recording.

24 may

25 May I help you?

26 of

27 Have you heard of D Baxter the Bobcat? He’s the Diamondbacks’ mascot.

28 of This boy is taking care of his sick sister. of

29 old

30 The old man walked slowly across the street. old

31 once

32 Be sure you want a new haircut because once they cut it it’s too late to change your mind.

33 open



36 "© 2002, Adapted by permission." Welcome to ASL University! “The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981-2002 Mayer-Johnson, Inc. Used with permission.” Slide show by Julie Lukert and Pam Rottas assistive technology department, Mesa Public Schools Boardmaker Butte Publications used by permission

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