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Protist Lab #1 Protozoans. Descriptive terms not taxa Protist = Eukaryotes that are not Fungi, Plants, or Animals Protozoans = “animal-like”, i.e., heterotrophic.

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Presentation on theme: "Protist Lab #1 Protozoans. Descriptive terms not taxa Protist = Eukaryotes that are not Fungi, Plants, or Animals Protozoans = “animal-like”, i.e., heterotrophic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protist Lab #1 Protozoans

2 Descriptive terms not taxa Protist = Eukaryotes that are not Fungi, Plants, or Animals Protozoans = “animal-like”, i.e., heterotrophic (to some extent) Structures for motility and/or feeding (typically) Describes based on ecological role as consumer (although some are parasites/pathogens)

3 Prokaryotic Origins and Unity Eukaryotic cell (emerged 1.8 billions years ago) Complex cytoskeleton promotes movement, endocytosis, & maintenance of asymmetry DNA/Chromosomes enclosed w/ in nucleus Complex membrane-bound organelles Mitochondria Plastids (e.g., chloroplasts) in photosynthetic varieties Invagination of plasma membrane endosymbiosis Single event gave rise to mitochondria and all euk cells Later event(s) gave rise to pastid containing cells

4 Endosymbiotic Theory divergence cyanobacteria proteobacteria

5 Figure 27.15 UNIVERSAL ANCESTOR Eukaryotes Korarchaeotes Euryarchaeotes Crenarchaeotes Nanoarchaeotes Proteobacteria Chlamydias Spirochetes Cyanobacteria Gram-positive bacteria Domain Eukarya Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Endosymbiosis - mitochondria

6 Historicaly protist groupings Based on nutritional mode Mode of movement/feeding Groups Protozoans (animal-like, mostly heterotrophic) Cilia, flagella, psuedopods Algae (plant-like, mostly photoautotrophic) By pigment (red, green, brown, golden) Slide Molds Cellular & plasmodial

7 Figure 28.2a Diplomonads Parabasalids Euglenozoans Excavata Diatoms Golden algae Brown algae Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Ciliates Forams Cercozoans Radiolarians “SAR” clade Stramenopiles Alveolates Rhizarians Green algae Red algae Chlorophytes Charophytes Land plants Archaeplastida Slime molds Tubulinids Entamoebas Nucleariids Fungi Unikonta Choanoflagellates Animals Amoebozoans Opisthokonts Endosymbiosis - mitochondria Primary Endosymbiosis - plastids secondary Endosymbiosis - plastids

8 Figure 28.2a Diplomonads Parabasalids Euglenozoans—Euglena, Trypanosoma Excavata Diatoms Golden algae Brown algae Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans -- Plasmodium Ciliates – Paramecium & Vorticella Forams Cercozoans Radiolarians “SAR” clade Stramenopiles Alveolates Rhizarians Green algae Red algae Chlorophytes Charophytes Land plants Archaeplastida Slime molds Tubulinids -- Amoeba Entamoebas Nucleariids Fungi Unikonta Choanoflagellates Animals Amoebozoans Opisthokonts Based on cytoskeleton & genetic data Based on whole genome similarity Based on primary endosymbiosis of cyanobacterium Based on genetic data

9 We will look at (depending on availability) : Live Cultures Paramecium & Vorticela SAR>avleolates>ciliates (cilia to move and/or feed) Amoeba (A. proteus) (amoeba is a general term that is not monophyletic) Unikonts>Tubulinids Euglena Excavata>Euglenozoans>euglenids Pond water (mixed protists) Prepared Slides Trypanosoma Excavata>Euglenozoans>Kinetoplastids Plasmodium SAR>Alveolates>apicomplexans Paramecium in conjugation Radiolarians SAR>rhizarians>Radiolarians Foraminiferans SAR>rhizarians>Forams

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