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P-25 Project Bartholomew County November 13, 2014.

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1 P-25 Project Bartholomew County November 13, 2014


3 Bartholomew County P-25 Project 1. Set a Plan  Implementation of P-25 status – March 2015.  Set benchmarks and timelines-set- February 2015?  Set scheduled meetings – monitor progress.  Discuss and determine how cost can be reduced?

4 P-25 Bartholomew County 1. Step one- Inventory radios  As of November 13 th, the following agencies have submitted inventories. Clay Township, County Highway, Col Regional Hospital, CPD, Col Township, EMA, E911, Harrison Township, Co Fire Inspector, Comm. Corrections, CFD, Hartsville FD, German Township, Coroner’s Office, Etown Fire Dept. Southwest Fire, Sheriff’s Dept. Hope Fire, Hope PD.

5 P-25 Project Inventories Pending Clifford Fire, Co Health Dept. Waynesville Fire, Col Animal Control, Hartsville PD

6 P-25 Project Bartholomew County 2. Step Two- Design Templates  Determine how many templates your agency will need?  CPD/Sheriff –work together to design a standard?  CFD/Co Fire – work together to design a standard? ( example where Mutual Aid Channels are located more uniformed)

7 P-25 Bartholomew County Determining who will design Templates? *Option #1- pay vendor to design the Templates with the guarantee they will work correctly. *Option #2 – Have the trained officers develop Templates- very time consuming and no guarantee they will work- this may take an extended amount of time and requires a lot of patience. IF this does not work, then it is possible a vendor will have to build them anyway.

8 P-25 Project Bartholomew County Determine who will Flash the radios? Option #1- have trained personnel flash Templates in radios. Saves $50.00 per radio. - Key information 1. Batteries must be fully charged. 2. Computer must not go into sleep mode. 3. If any of the above occurs radio cost approx. $300.00 4. Flashing takes approximately 30-60 mins. Per radio Option #2- have vendor flash Templates in radios at $50.00 per radio.

9 P-25 Bartholomew County


11 Next Meeting Project Goals by November 13, 2014 1. Have all inventories completed. 2. Determine the design of the Templates?/How many per agency? 3. Determine who will build the Templates? 4. Determine who will Flash the radio’s?

12 P-25 Project-update

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