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Quick guide to ASIMON configuration For version 3.0 or greater SAFETY AT WORK Date: 3/18/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick guide to ASIMON configuration For version 3.0 or greater SAFETY AT WORK Date: 3/18/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick guide to ASIMON configuration For version 3.0 or greater SAFETY AT WORK Date: 3/18/2009

2 Step 1: Launch and start new program  Open ASIMON 3.0 or higher and Launch a new configuration as shown below  Click “OK”

3 Step 2: Information about monitor and bus Information Monitor tab:  Fill in a configuration title  Choose an operation mode  One OSSD = 1 safety zone  Two independent OSSD = 2 safety zones  Two dependent = If 1 st zone trips, 2 nd zone will trip as well.  Current safety monitor will use the enhance function. Only older safety monitoring units with firmware <2.0 will require basic.

4 Step 2: Information about monitor and bus Information Bus tab:  Check any safety and standard addresses on your network.

5 Step 2: Information about monitor and bus Diagnosis/Service tab:  Optional: Here you can provide an AS-I address to the safety monitor for diagnostic feedback.  Click “OK”

6 Step 3: Configure safety zones  Drag and Drop configuration of safety zones  Three main items are needed for each safety zone 1.Monitoring devices 2.Output devices (Stop) 3.Start devices

7 Step 3: Configure safety zones Add monitoring devices:  Simply drag the desire monitoring icon over to the blank window and release.  Choose the type of contact monitoring  Select the address of the safety module to monitor  Click “OK”  Repeat for additional devices

8 Step 3: Configure safety zones Add output (stop) device:  Simply drag the desire monitoring icon over to the blank window and release.  Two types to select from:  Stop Cat 0 – Immediate stop  Stop Cat 1 – User define delay stop  Provide a name  Select desired OSSD (Zone)  Click “OK”

9 Step 3: Configure safety zones Add start device:  Simply drag the desire monitoring icon over to the blank window and release.  Main types to select from:  Auto Start – Auto start when all devices in closed state  Monitor Start/Monitor input – Push button wired to monitor will provide enable signal to start.  Provide name  Click “OK”

10 Step 3: Configure safety zones Add 2 nd OSSD zone:  Click for a new window  Repeat step 3 again

11 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  Make sure safety monitor is powered up with AS-I and 24 VDC.  Connect the E7001S cable to your serial port or USB adapter to the safety monitor  Make sure you have the correct COM port assigned  If the menu under Monitor is grayed out, please check cable connection between PC and safety monitor

12 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  New monitor will have password defaulted as “SIMON” --Case sensitive  You will need to change this before downloading  4-8 alphanumerical characters; case sensitive

13 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  Before you download the configuration, please make sure all safety devices on the system is in the close position. If not, the download will not be completed.  Go to Monitor/PC to Monitor  Enter the password you just created in the last slide.

14 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  Click “Yes” to teach the code sequences  This will teach the safety code from each safety I/O module into the monitor

15 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  Once completed, a configuration log file is generated detailing the current configuration of the system.  This file can be request later and printed out as safety documentation  Click “OK”

16 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  In order to run the safety system, you must now enter in the password again as a form of validating the system

17 Step 4: Download to safety monitor  After validation, the configuration log will be changed to note the time and date.  Click “Yes” to put the monitor in run mode.

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