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Presentation on theme: "DLL UMPIRE TRAINING CLINIC"— Presentation transcript:

Spring 2011

2 AGENDA Introduction Uniforms / Equipment Scheduling / Administration
Umpire Compensation Manager Pet Peeves Positioning / Technique Rules Questions

3 UNIFORMS Little League shirt w/ LL patch Blue umpire hat
Gray pants (required for AAA and higher adult umps, preferred for AAA and higher Junior umps) Black shoes Shirt & hat combo – provided by DLL

4 EQUIPMENT Face mask Chest protector Shin guards Clicker Plate brush
Protective cup

5 SCHEDULING All umps must be registered as a 2011 Spring Umpire
DLL website All game assignments will be managed online League s will typically come from or

6 UMPIRE COMPENSATION Umps must have attended DLL umpire training in 2010 or 2011 to be eligible for games AA and higher: $30 per game (Junior and Adults) Single A: $30 per game (Junior ump only; Adults asked to volunteer their time) Adults will have option of volunteering their time or accepting pay at end of season Must use online scheduling system to be eligible for pay (no exceptions)

7 MANAGER PET PEEVES Inaudible ball / strike calls
Inaudible ball / strike count Inconsistent strike zone Looking at clicker before calling ball / strike Field umpire not paying attention Not getting into proper position Demeanor / attitude Not knowing the rules Managing the Game: Pre-Game Meeting – call both Managers over – get game ball from each; introduce yourself and crew for AAA and Majors, ask if scorebooks are in order (exchanged line-ups). Ask managers to keep gate doors shut and on-deck circle clear. Tell them your strike-zone and that you will be consistent in this zone… if there is a call during the game you want to protest please the Umpire Chief. Balls thrown out of play are an extra base for runner. No stealing Home, etc…. Any questions Good Luck,

Plate umpire: Stance / “slot” Balls & strikes / clicker - left hand Flinching Gestures / signals Positioning on batted ball Fair / foul calls Time / putting the ball in play

Field umpire (2 umpire crew): “A” position – no runners on (optional position B) “B” position – runner on first only “C” position – runner on second and/or third

10 JURISDICTION Bases empty: Runners on base:
Plate umpire makes all fair / foul calls except balls down 1st base line Plate umpire takes all catch / no catch calls except fly balls that take right field towards right field foul line Runners on base: Plate umpire makes all fair / foul calls and all catch / no catch calls

11 COMMUNICATION Balls & strikes Outs Infield fly Batted ball hits batter
Check swing “Help”

12 RULES “Green Book” Local rules – division specific Strike zone
Batter out of batters box Batted ball hits batter Stealing Obstruction / interference Infield fly Local rules – division specific



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