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ISSUE REAL - world connections Specific things about this issue R eveal key features Gist of why this issue is notable Issue Reasoning … A nalyze reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "ISSUE REAL - world connections Specific things about this issue R eveal key features Gist of why this issue is notable Issue Reasoning … A nalyze reactions."— Presentation transcript:


2 ISSUE REAL - world connections Specific things about this issue R eveal key features Gist of why this issue is notable Issue Reasoning … A nalyze reactions Why we SHOULD value this issue’s impact on today’s world AND / OR Why we should NOT value this issue’s impact on today’s world Ways people have reacted POSITIVELY to this issue E valuate this issue’s value to our world L ist background knowledge or experiences related to this issue Ways people have reacted NEGATIVELY to this issue

3 REAL world connections Copyright 2003 Edwin Ellis Topic : Gist: Essential Features Why this idea SHOULD be part of today’s world Why this idea SHOULD NOT be part of today’s world Reasoning … Ways people cause this topic to occur more Ways people prevent this topic from occurring Reasoning … R eveal key features E valuate its value to our world A nalyze reactions L ist background knowledge or experiences related to this topic AND / OR Sample of genes taken from tissue of living or dead plant, animal or insect Animal genes inserted in tissue, then inserted into host “mom” animal’s womb Plants & animals have been cloned. Possible to clone people, but none done yet Violates natural process of combining male/female genes creates constantly changing life forms – causes evolution of life promotes adaptation to changing environments Some governments create laws that prohibit cloning of humans Scientists constantly seeking new ways of manipulating & controlling environment X X X Some scientists in Great Britain cloned a sheep. Makes me think of old science fiction horror movies - may come true! cloning Duplicating genes to produce an exact replica of a living thing


5 © 2004 Edwin Ellis Many young children are hired to work long hours at dangerous jobs for low wages U.S. Children must attend school until the age of 16. Labor Laws protect U.S. children Daily, thousands of children are chained to machines, handling chemicals, & forced to work WHAT IS THE ISSUE? Child labor still exists in poorer countries where some children are in slavery or bondage The sale or trafficking of children, as well as child prostitution or pornography still exists Some countries forcibly recruit children to serve in armed conflicts WHY IS IT AN ISSUE? Mostly children in poorer countries Children living in poverty are prime targets in any country Immigrant children WHO IS IT AN ISSUE FOR? Global Child Labor ISSUE

6 DETAILS ISSUE Why? WHO? What this group wants others to believe about this issue

7 Is about … ISSUE Knowledge Connections This issue makes you think of …Because … Why some people are not concerned about the issue Why some people think the issue is important Actions people took as a result of the issue What is a similar issue in today’s world?

8 ISSUE So what? What is important to understand about this? Is about … Why is the Issue ImportantActions People Take Because of the Issue WHAT is the issue?

9 What happens if there is TOO LITTLE attempt to control this ? WHAT is the issue? What happens if there is an IDEAL level of control? What happens if there is TOO MUCH attempt to control this? Mark on the continuum above the level of control you think is being attempted. Explain below how well you think it is working. WHY is it a concern? HOW is control / regulation being attempted to impact the issue?

10 So what? What is important to understand about this ISSUE? Is about … ISSUE ALWAYS Words that always describe this ISSUE OR actions associated with it SOMETIMES Words that sometimes describe this ISSUE OR actions associated with it NEVER Words that never describe this ISSUE OR actions associated with it

11 ISSUE So what? What is important to understand about this? Is about … Why is the Issue ImportantActions People Take Because of the Issue

12 Comparing…. Issue #1 PERSPECTIVES (positive or negative) people have about the issue Different Main ideasSimilar Different ACTIONS people took in relation to the issue IMPACT of the issue on people’s daily lives Features of the issue Issue #2

13 This issue Specific information about what happened as a result of the issue How and/or Why? Specific information about this issue What was the issue’s positive or negative impact on the world? Caused this to happen

14 ISSUE: BEFORE Lesson Best guess about this issue is about and why it is important Why some might “play-up” this issue to make others concerned Why some might “play-down” this issue so others won’t attend to it Potential short-term & long-range impact of the issue AFTER Lesson What we learned about this issue was and why it is important Why some might “play-up” this issue to make others concerned Why some might “play-down” this issue so others won’t attend to it Potential short-term & long-range impact of the issue

15 Someone Who Lives NOW How this individual might view the issue now Someone Who Lived THEN How this individual might have viewed the issue at that time Point in time the issue emerged and/or became a concern Why was this issue important? Significant ISSUE

16 Issue: Tension * Reaction © 2004 Edwin Ellis Sources of Tension Results Spin-off New Issues or Tensions Created Reactions to the Tactics Tactics used to influence the issue Expected Unexpected ExpectedUnexpected ISSUE

17 WHO? Probably view the issue this way … Probably view the issue this way … Influential ISSUE Why? PERSPECTIVES on an issue

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