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The Paraphrasing Strategy. Good readers are active and engaged while reading.

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Presentation on theme: "The Paraphrasing Strategy. Good readers are active and engaged while reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Paraphrasing Strategy

2 Good readers are active and engaged while reading.

3 How do we engage our struggling readers?

4 “It is this very passivity, at least in terms of academics, that I have found often characterizes students in special programs or resource classes. They wait for work. They wait for something to happen. They wait to get out of school. As passive nonreaders, they wait for reading to happen to them, not knowing that reading doesn’t work that way.” It’s Never Too Late by Janet Allen

5 Summarizing was identified as one of the instructional strategies with a high probability of enhancing student achievement for all students … in all subject areas … at all grade levels. Classroom Instruction That Works Research-Based Strategies For Increasing Student Achievement Robert Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, Jane Pollock

6 Become a RAP Star

7 R…A…P… As Easy as 1…2…3… Well, Maybe….


9 And TALK

10 Activities for Thinking while Reading 3 Minute Pause Think Aloud Talk to the Text 3 Minute Pause Think Aloud Talk to the Text

11 Let’s Do A Think-Aloud

12 “If you could wake up tomorrow with significantly more positive, focused energy to invest at work, and with your family, how significantly would that change your life for the better? As a leader and a manager, how valuable would it be to bring more positive energy and passion to the work place? If those you lead could call on more positive energy, how would it affect their relationships with one another, and the quality of service they deliver to customers and clients?” The Power of Full Engagement By Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

13 Ask Questions Think… Talk…

14 Good readers analyze the information.

15 Questions lead to connections … predictions … conclusions.

16 Marking the Text Tear and Share What’s Your Guess? Begin to Question …

17 Marking the Text … No Lessons Left Behind USA Today Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Good news. Oddly, you heard the sound of one hand clapping last week as the Education Department released national data showing dramatic narrowing of racial learning gaps among elementary and middle school students. The news deserved ringing applause. ? Why only one hand? BK I know which department this would be. ? How dramatic? ? What about high school? I Maybe it didn’t get applause because of the way the results were determined.

18 Tear and Share Is an activity that focuses on answering questions and analyzing those answers. It also leads into the “Put It In Your Own Words” Step. Is an activity that focuses on answering questions and analyzing those answers. It also leads into the “Put It In Your Own Words” Step.

19 Put it in your own words Paraphrase

20 Frame Text in the Middle Put the text in your own words …


22 Paraphrasing Is Powerful

23 Paraphrasing can help bring meaning to text … And open doors of opportunity for our students. “I could open a book, and I could be anything. I could be anywhere. I could be anyone. My friends, I read myself out of poverty long before I worked myself out of poverty. Walter Anderson, 1994 Editor Parade Magazine

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