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Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport IEE/10/274/SI2.589418,

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Presentation on theme: "Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport IEE/10/274/SI2.589418,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport IEE/10/274/SI2.589418, duration: 2011-05-03 - 2014-01-03, 20111222

2 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Project Summary Carry out training in BG, ES, EL, HU, IT, PL, PT and RO on eight topics and sustainable transport’s most pressing needs Set a focus on practical work by implementing practical training projects through the trainees Create knowledge and capacity on sustainable transport policies and measures in municipalities and energy agencies of Europe’s convergence regions Strengthen market activities on sustainable transport and supporting the regions’ catching up economically Reach a wide audience for creating a large-scale impact and in the long-run to safeguard ongoing training and education on sustainable transport

3 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Background Two main target groups selected: municipalities and energy agencies Yet municipalities and energy agencies in convergence regions rarely have knowledge on policies and actions for sustainable urban transport development and are hardly active in this field. TRANSPORT LEARNING aims to add sustainable urban transport services to their business fields. Thus, they will be in the unique position to act as one-stop-shops offering services on energy saving and energy efficiency for their clients.

4 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Objectives and main steps Deliver services (training, capacity building) to energy agencies and local authorities on the most pressing issues in sustainable transport and land-use Encourage trainees to deliver actual projects in the fields of sustainable transport and mobility management Create joint public-private structures for developing a sustainable, energy-efficient transportation system in BG, ES, EL, HU, IT, PL, PT and RO Integrate the content of the training concept and training materials into academic and training courses of study in various countries Develop a method of EU wide access to the materials

5 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Expected results Create and implement 64 training events with at least 650 employees trained and at least 170 practical training projects implemented High level of knowledge on sustainable transport in Europe’s convergence regions, constantly growing number of actions and policies Contribution to primary energy savings and to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in transport Significant number of universities and training organisations integrate some of the training content into its courses Well used E-learning platform and Online training resource centre

6 Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport Partners & Contact Co-ordinator: TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN, Germany Udo Becker, +49 351 463 36504, Partners: Edinburgh Napier University (UK), University of Piraeus Research Center (EL), Municipality of Krakow (PL), Association for Urban Transition (RO), University of Maribor (SI), Ecoinstitute Alto Adige (IT), Naples Agency for Energy and the Environment (IT), Energy Agency of Plovdiv (BG), Eco-union (ES), Group of Studies and Alternatives 21 (ES), FGM-AMOR (AT), Energia Klub Environmental Association (HU), Occam (PT), University of Zilina (SK) Project website:

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