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Chapter 37: Circulatory & Respiratory Systems

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1 Chapter 37: Circulatory & Respiratory Systems

2 Circulation: Structure and Function
Section 37.1 Circulation: Structure and Function TRANSPORTATION Cells need to get nutrients and oxygen and get rid of wastes Consists of heart, blood vessels, and blood


4 What needs to be transported in the body?
Transportation in living organisms: Oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body Nitrogenous wastes to the kidneys for removal Carbon dioxide waste from cells to the lungs for removal Food nutrients from the intestines to cells for energy

5 Blood vessels heart vessels blood
1. _________ is contained in ____________. 2. The parts of the circulatory system are: a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________ vessels heart                              vessels blood

6 Heart: parts Hollow muscular organ that pumps blood
Enclosed by a protective layer called the pericardium The thick layer of muscle is called the myocardium, which contains epithelial and connective tissue. The myocardium contracts to pump blood!

7 4 heart chambers Atria: 2 upper chambers that receive blood into
the heart. Receiving chambers (singular = atrium) Ventricle: 2 lower chambers that pump blood out of the heart. Pumping chambers. Ventricles have thick muscle to pump to the lungs/body septum

8 muscle pericardium myocardium connective
II. The Heart A. The heart is made up of ______________. 1. It is enclosed by the __________________ which protects it. 2. The walls of the heart are made of a thick layer muscle called the _________________________, which is surrounded by layers of epithelial and ___________________ tissue. muscle pericardium myocardium connective

9 Pericardium Protective sac of connective tissue Surrounds the heart
Filled with fluid

10 Check… Which body system acts in a way similar to a transportation system? a. circulatory c. excretory b. nervous d. respiratory In the walls of the heart, the thick layer of muscle is called the a. myocardium. c. connective tissue layer. b. pericardium. d. epithelial tissue layer.

11 Circulation Septum – layer that divides left and right sides of heart
Myocardium (heart muscle) shown in red Epicardium (Outer surface of myocardium) Endocardium (Inner surface of myocardium) Septum – layer that divides left and right sides of heart Right side in charge of pumping blood from heart to lungs (pulmonary circulation) Left side receives blood from lung, sends it out to rest of body! (systemic circulation) After blood comes back from body, blood returns to right side and back to lungs for more O2

12 Circulation Video Clip

13 Heart terminology Veins go to the heart
Arteries go away from the heart Capillaries join the two and bring blood close to cells One-way valves in the heart keep circulation efficient Valves = flaps of connective tissue between atria and ventricles that open and close to move blood in a one-way flow

14 B. The heart contracts about ____ times per minute.
1. Each contraction pumps _______ of blood. C. The _______ divides the _______ and _______ sides of the ________. 1. This prevents the mixing of the side that carries blood with _________ and the side without. 72 70 mL septum left right heart oxygen

15 1. The Upper Chamber is the __________.
D. Chambers of the Heart 1. The Upper Chamber is the __________. a. Atria ________ the _________. 2. The Lower Chamber is called the ___________. a. __________ pump blood ______. 3. The human heart has ___ atria and ___ ventricles. atrium receive blood ventricle Ventricles out 2 2 heart animations heart parts


17 Check… Which is the correct direction of blood flow?
a. left ventricle  pulmonary artery  aorta b. right atrium  right ventricle  pulmonary artery c. left ventricle  left atrium  aorta d. right atrium  left atrium  pulmonary artery In the heart, the mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood is prevented by the a. septum. c. tricuspid valve. b. pericardium. d. mitral valve.

18 Heartbeat 2 networks of muscle fibers in heart
One in atria, one in ventricles Pacemaker – group of cardiac muscle cells, also called “sinoatrial node,” which contract and send an impulse to the network of muscle fibers Blood can be stored in atria until it’s ready to move When the network in the atria contracts, blood in atria flows into ventricles When muscles in ventricles contract, blood flows out of heart!

19 When blood leaves the _________________ side of the heart, it is oxygen-poor. When blood leaves the _________________ side of the heart, it is oxygen-rich.

20 Blood vessels When blood leaves left side, it is full of oxygen
Aorta = large blood vessel that receives blood after it leaves left ventricle 3 types of blood vessels Arteries, capillaries, veins Arteries: Super highways, large, and muscular Carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary artery.)

21 Blood vessels continued
Capillaries: Smallest with walls only one-cell thick Bring oxygen and nutrients to tissues and absorb CO2 “Side streets and alley ways” Veins: Large and muscular contain valves and return blood to heart

22 Blood Pressure Blood pressure = force of blood on arteries’ walls
Sphygmomanometer = device to measure blood pressure in your arm Systolic pressure = force in arteries when ventricles contract Diastolic pressure = force felt in arteries when ventricles relax

23 Blood Body contains about 4-6 liters 45% consists of cells
Red blood cells called erythrocytes which transport oxygen (the protein hemoglobin binds iron and oxygen) White blood cells called leukocytes fight infection Platelets are cell fragments that aid in clotting 55% consists of straw colored fluid called plasma 90% water Contains albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen

24 Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged
Plasma Platelets White blood cells Red blood cells Whole Blood Sample Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged


26 plasma Red blood cells White BC and Platelets Lymphatic system

27 Diseases of the Circulatory System
Heart disease, stroke are leading causes of death in US Main causes: high blood pressure & atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis = condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up inside the arteries

28 Consequences of atherosclerosis
Blocked arteries can cause part of heart to die from lack of oxygen If enough heart muscle dies, heart attack occurs Blood clots can form, get stuck in blood vessel leading to brain Stroke occurs

29 Keeping your Circulatory System Healthy!
Exercise to keep your heart strong Eat a low fat/low cholesterol diet Don’t smoke! Cardiovascular diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure.

30 Check… Which of the following is true about blood pressure?
a. Diastolic pressure is higher than systolic pressure. b. It is not affected by atherosclerosis. c. It drops a great deal when traveling through arteries. d. It is lower in veins than in arteries. Which of the following are the smallest of the blood vessels? a. veins c. capillaries b. lymphatic cells d. arteries

31 Blood Type Review… Which of the following genotypes result in the same phenotype? a. IAIA and IAIB c. IBI and IAIB b. IBIB and IBi d. IBi and ii If a man with blood type A and a woman with blood type B produce an offspring, what might be the offspring’s blood type? a. AB or O c. A, B, AB, or O b. A, B, or O d. AB only

32 Respiratory System 2 kinds of respiration
1. Cellular respiration = breaking down food molecules in the mitochondria in presence of oxygen to make ATP 2. Respiration for the organism = gas exchange (O2 in, CO2 out) Function of respiratory system: to bring about exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood, air and tissues

33 Respiratory System diagram


35 Parts of Respiratory System
Air: flows from the mouth & nose  pharynx  larynx  trachea  bronchus tubes  bronchioles  alveoli Pharynx = passage for air/food Trachea = windpipe Epiglottis = flap of tissue that covers entrance to trachea when you swallow alveoli = air sacs surrounded by capillaries

36 Keep it Clean! Cilia and mucus act as filters along the pathway
to keep lung tissue healthy, need to keep air warm, moist, filtered! Nose hairs filter dust Mucus moistens air, traps dust/smoke Cilia sweep dust, mucus away from lungs so they can be swallowed or spit out animation

37 Larynx and Gas Exchange
Larynx, or voice box, has two elastic folds of tissue (your vocal cords!) 2 bronchi (singular: bronchus) = passageways from trachea to lungs These tubes subdivide into smaller tubes (bronchioles) They end at alveoli (air sacs), where oxygen diffuses into capillaries to enter _________, while _________is picked up to be _______________________

38 Breathing Movement of air into (inspiration) and out of (expiration) the lungs Mainly controlled by brain! Diaphragm = large flat muscle at base of chest cavity Process of breathing is driven by air pressure When diaphragm contracts, air comes in When diaphragm relaxes, air is exhaled animation


40 Check… Air is forced into the lungs by the contraction of the
a. alveoli. c. diaphragm. b. bronchioles. d. heart. Which of the following activities is the best analogy for respiration? a. exchanging gifts c. receiving a gift b. giving a gift d. sitting in a chair

41 Respiratory Diseases Bronchitis: inflammation of bronchi Emphysema: loss of elasticity of lung tissue alveoli can’t expand for gas ex. tobacco damages the tissue Nicotine paralyzes cilia in upper respiratory system!


43 Asthma: narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles due to the constriction of muscles
around the airways. Environmental, genetic? Cystic fibrosis: recessive, autosomal genetic disease in which lungs collect mucous and cause multiple infections.

44 Cystic Fibrosis

45 Check… Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer can be caused by
a. swollen bronchi. c. groups of cancer cells. b. enlarged alveoli. d. smoking. Air is filtered, warmed, and moistened in the a. nose and mouth. c. lungs. b.throat. d. pharynx.

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