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Mariah Diaz March 29,2011 Ecology. Habitat Biogeography realm Indo-Malayan Range States Pakistan Ecological Region Indus river Delta & Rann of Kutch.

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Presentation on theme: "Mariah Diaz March 29,2011 Ecology. Habitat Biogeography realm Indo-Malayan Range States Pakistan Ecological Region Indus river Delta & Rann of Kutch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mariah Diaz March 29,2011 Ecology

2 Habitat Biogeography realm Indo-Malayan Range States Pakistan Ecological Region Indus river Delta & Rann of Kutch

3 Characteristic weighs 70-110 kg (155-245 lbs) broad flippers a flattened neck elongated beak rows of sharp teeth Mid gray-brown color Its eyes is functionally blind and has no lens in its tiny eye. 30 and 36 sharp teeth

4 Diet Shrimp small fish crustaceans prawns gobies catfish carp

5 Reproduction approximately 10 months believed that the babies are born in spring baby is about 70 cm long Babies stay close to their mother for the first six months of their life.

6 About it not fish come up to the surface for air they give birth to live young which feed on their mothers' milk one of four river dolphin that lives in freshwater.

7 Endangered Now remaining 1200 km stretch of the Indus River. Past 40 years this practice led to the deaths of over 7 million dolphins Numbers have dramatically declined

8 Behavior comes to the surface to breathe about every 30 - 120 seconds migrate upstream into the smaller tributaries during the monsoon rainsmonsoon migrate downstream to the main channels in the dry season.

9 Age and Gender Distribution A male female ratio of 2:1 has been reported May be close to 30

10 Density 3.6 individuals in the Sindh Dolphin Reserve between the Guddu and Sukkur - 0.74 individuals between the Guddu and Taunsa 0.28 individuals between the Taunsa and Chashma

11 How can we help? adopting a dolphin at our Wildlife Adoption CenterWildlife Adoption Center Selling tuna that is safe for dolphins Write letters to the three biggest tuna companies in the US to urge them to STAY dolphin safe.

12 QUIZ What is the scientific name?? How old do they normally get to be?? Every how many seconds do they come up to breathe?? What do the baby dolphins feed off?? Name 3 things they eat..

13 Work Cited an/indus/ an/indus/ tat_conservation/marine/dolphin- safe_tuna/index.php tat_conservation/marine/dolphin- safe_tuna/index.php

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