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Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP BRICS Project Workshop Rio de.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP BRICS Project Workshop Rio de."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP BRICS Project Workshop Rio de Janeiro Abril de 2007

2 2/41 Share in World Exports 1960-2003 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 196019651970197519801985199019952000 % India China Brazil Korea, Rep. Poland Russian Federation

3 3/41 Export Composition - 2004 (%) BrazilChinaIndia Primary Products32.63.215.6 Resource Intensive21.96.929.8 Low Tech Intensity11.039.235.5 Medium Tech Intensity24.919.012.8 High Tech Intensity7.930.55.4 Others1.71.10.9 Total100

4 4/41 * 1993 and 2003 Source: UNIDO BRICS and selected countries % in World MVA 1995 and 2005

5 5/41 BRICS: MVA per capita (95’ constant S$) 1995 and 2005 Source: UNIDO

6 6/41 Cientific Development

7 7/41

8 8/41 BRICS: R&D Expenditure (% of GDP) 20002003  %) Brazil1,0 -0,9 Russian Federation1,01,321,8 India0,8na- China1,01,331,1 South Africana0,8- High income: OECD2,52,4-1,0

9 9/41 BRICS Researchers in R&D (per million people) Brazil2000344 Russian Federation20043.319 India1999119 China2004708 South Africa2001307 High income: OECD20023.804

10 10/41 BRICS and selected countries: stock of patent applications, residents, 2001 Number% Brazil6,7060.7 Russia25,0462.7 India2340.0 China30,3243.2 South Africa1750.0 Korea, Rep.74,0017.9 USA190,90720.3 Japan388,39041.4 Mexico5940.1 World939,267100.0

11 11/41 BRICS: GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2000) 199020042005  %) Brazil 6.4977.5317.80820,2 Russian Fed. 10.1529.0989.747-4,0 India 1.7012.9073.11883,3 China 1.5975.4195.878268,1 South Africa 10.04810.47211.0449,9 High income: OECD 23.07629.41129.99730,0

12 12/41 BRICS and selected countries: Gini index/ social unequality Is the highly unevenly distributed income a serious development problem for Brazil and South Africa? Is China increasing social unequality a problem for the future? Source: UNDP Most recent data Brazil59.3 Russia31.0 India32.5 China44.7 South Africa57.8 Mexico54.6 Korea, Rep.31.6 USA40.8 Japan24.9

13 13/41 BRICS: Urban population (% of total) 19952005  %) Brazil74,884,212,6 Russian Federation73,473,0-0,5 India25,528,712,5 China27,440,447,4 South Africa52,059,314,0

14 14/41 BRICS: Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (% of population) Brazil21,7 2003 Russian Federation13,5 2002 India81,3 2000 China46,7 2001 South Africa34,1 2000

15 15/41 BRICS portrait: population, area, density, total and per capita domestic product Brazil183.9138.547.40322593.0913.225 South Africa47.2081.221.03739212.7774.507 China*1.285.3429.560.9611341.895.0001.474 India1.087.1243.287.263331680.682626 Russian Federation143.89917.075.4008582.3194.047 * revised. Source: UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics, 2005. Density inhabitants per km 2 PopulationNominal GDP 2004 totalper capita total 2004 thousands Area km 2

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