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What we have learned from French mysteries me and Spy with your eTwinning Eye … 2009/10.

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Presentation on theme: "What we have learned from French mysteries me and Spy with your eTwinning Eye … 2009/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we have learned from French mysteries Am@ze me and Spy with your eTwinning Eye … 2009/10

2 French Winepress According to this photo we found out on the Internet that it is a winepress from 13th century in your town Chenôve.

3 R.A.R. The question was what is R.A.R. It was very difficult mystery, but eventually we figured out it was a school subject where they learn to learn.

4 Dijon mysteries We had lots of Dijon mysteries. About towers, monuments and buildings. Someone was very difficult but we found information in the internet. We learnt a lot of interesting things. And we enjoyed it lot.

5 SPORT MYSTERIES From our French friends, we got a task, to solve what the typical French sport is.They sent us these two pictures and immediately we knew what sport it was. Finally, we also played petanque in Poněšice. It was great.

6 French friends sent us a mystery which was prepared as a cartoon. We had to guess which famous person was in the film. On French Wikipedia we found a picture of this mysterious man JACQUES CARTIER. Famous French person

7 Christmas mysteries We found that French people eat at Christmas: pate from duck liver and snails. We learnt about French Noel who brings presents to children in the morning.

8 And we learnt about each other a lot when we met in the Czech Republic and spent one week together.

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