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Teacher Cadets: 1/25/12 Journal Entry Good morning! In one to two paragraphs, reflect on our guest speaker’s discussion with us yesterday. – What did you.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Cadets: 1/25/12 Journal Entry Good morning! In one to two paragraphs, reflect on our guest speaker’s discussion with us yesterday. – What did you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Cadets: 1/25/12 Journal Entry Good morning! In one to two paragraphs, reflect on our guest speaker’s discussion with us yesterday. – What did you learn? – Based on our conversation, what are the expectations for today’s teachers? – Evaluate him on his ability to answer your questions: was he clear, knowledgeable, interesting, boring, polite, engaging? Explain why.

2 Hope “Book Talk” Chs. 1-2 How does a school/school system get into this bad of a condition? Should teachers step up to do anything about it? What do you think a regular day in a classroom is like there?

3 TC Journal Entry: 2/22/12 Think about Hope. What is one of the themes you’ve gotten from the story? How will you turn that in to a miniature research paper? How should this assignment be graded? On your journal entry, create a rubric for how you think the paper should be graded.

4 A Hope in the Unseen: Assignment As you keep a double-entry journal on the story and discuss the book with me and your classmates, try to mesh your ideas about motifs into a strong, complete THEME from the story. DUE: 2/27/12 By the end of the book, turn in a project that defends and expands your theme – 3 page paper (double-spaced, APA format, TNR size 12 in Google Docs) defending & expanding your theme – Visual presentation to present to the class. – Incorporate at least 3 informational texts/sources to support/expand your theme – Motifs- racism, poverty, affirmative action, white privilege, from adolescence to adulthood, from poverty to economic stability, succeeding in America’s failing schools, etc.

5 APA Format and NC Live is an ONLINE DATABASE. In college, you will be expected to know how to use credible sources, such as these, to research and write papers/complete projects by integrating information from these sources. – Choose Piedmont Community College – Password: ganabend Resource for APA format: 560/01/ 560/01/

6 Mini Research Assignment: NC Teacher Demographics 1.Number of teachers hired in a given year 2.Number of out-of-state teachers hired in a given year 3.Number of minority teachers hired in a given year 4.Five year average teacher turnover rate by LEA 5.State summary of public school full-time personnel 6.Highest degree help by instructional personnel 7.Reasons for teachers leaving the profession 8.Minority teacher supply in NC 9.Total initial teaching certificates 10.Most difficult areas of licensure for which to find licensed teachers 11.Degrees conferred by NC colleges and universities by field of study, level of degrees, race and gender. 12.List of NC school unites including federal and charter schools

7 Homework Keep reading Hope through chapter 3 (pg. 76) and continue keeping a “DEJ” with 5 entries. Start thinking about paper/project topics for the book.

8 Exit Ticket What do you think are the major obstacles keeping talented male/minority students from choosing the teaching profession? What can be done to ensure that NC has enough qualified teachers in the 21 st century?

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