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Student mobility Kaisu Piiroinen Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Department for Higher Education and Science Emrex.

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Presentation on theme: "Student mobility Kaisu Piiroinen Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Department for Higher Education and Science Emrex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student mobility Kaisu Piiroinen Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Department for Higher Education and Science Emrex kick off - meeting 13.1.2015

2 Importance of student mobility Internationalisation one key issue Mobility one key indicator –core funding of HEs –quentative targets of HEs –Target EU2020 – 20% of graduates should have study or training period abroad Value and added value –work, language skills, people, social skills, experiences, relationships

3 Polytechnics core funding from 2014

4 Universities core funding from 2015

5 Quantitative targets for universities 2013-2016 UNIVERSITIES 20122013 Target 2013-2016 Bachelor’s degrees13 01413 01614 200 Master’s degrees13 82914 44415 023 PhDs1 649 1 7241 635 Foreign degree students9 62810 2408 950 Exchange students (incoming & outgoing, > 3 months) 10 66110 71311 950

6 Quantitative targets for polytechnics 2013-2016 POLYTECHNICS 20122013 Target 2013-2016 Polytechnic degrees21 99222 66421 907 Vocational teacher education1 7401 8771 600 Polytechnic Masters1 7071 946 2 018 Foreign degree students9 3789 5177 475 Exchange students (incoming & outgoing, > 3 months) 8 6798 9268 830

7 Mobility – why not? Academic, financial, conserns related to self- confidece, work related barriers, lack of guidance and information Academic concerns typical to Finnish students –miss part of studies at homemiss part of studies at home –be delayed in studiesbe delayed in studies –lack of guidance from home institutionlack of guidance from home institution –difficulties to fit studies at home institutiondifficulties to fit studies at home institution –uncertaincy about the quality of education abroaduncertaincy about the quality of education abroad –difficulties getting studies (pre)approveddifficulties getting studies (pre)approved All ECTS approved to Finnish degree to 70% of students. No ECTS approved 3%.


9 Thank you for your attention! wwstructure/28083_Living_and_learning.pdf wwstructure/28083_Living_and_learning.pdf g=fi&extra_locale=en g=fi&extra_locale=en pdf?lang=fi pdf?lang=fi

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