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 Rational? African American women who attempted suicide were more likely than Caucasian women to have a history of significant abuse  Mechanisms by.

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Presentation on theme: " Rational? African American women who attempted suicide were more likely than Caucasian women to have a history of significant abuse  Mechanisms by."— Presentation transcript:


2  Rational? African American women who attempted suicide were more likely than Caucasian women to have a history of significant abuse  Mechanisms by which partner abuse leads to suicidal behavior Why might this be important?

3  African American women at hospital following suicide attempt (n=148) Mostly unmarried, unemployed, limited literacy and education  African American women at hospital for medical problems without a suicidal history (n=137) Mostly employed, higher education than attempters

4  Measures Hopelessness Scale Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) Brief Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) Preliminary Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (P- SACS) Family Strengths Perceived Social Support (PSS)  Potential Issues?

5  African American women who attempted suicide were more likely to report physical and nonphysical abuse than their non attempting counterparts

6 1. The IV must be associated with the predicted mediator 2. The predicted mediator must be associated with the DV 3. When statistically controlled for; association between the IV and DV should be non-significant or significantly reduced.

7 Psychological Distress Suicide Attempt Partner Abuse

8 HOPELESSNESSDRUG USE PROBLEMS Hopelessness Suicide Attempt Partner Abuse Drug Use Problem Suicide Attempt Partner Abuse

9 1. The interaction between the IV and the predicted moderator must be significant when predicting the outcome variable Example: The interaction between partner abuse and coping skills must be significant when predicting suicide attempt status

10  Social support moderated the partner abuse-suicide behavior link. Partner Abuse Suicide Attempt Social Support

11  Nonphysical partner abuse provided predictive utility for suicide attempt status beyond that already accounted for by childhood maltreatment  Physical partner abuse did not

12  Importance in assessing for suicide in women who are currently victims of IPV  Evaluating hopelessness and psychological distress in women who are current victims of IPV  Including the development of social supports in treatment with women who are current victims of IPV

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