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Presentation on theme: "STRESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Stress Hans Selye developed the concept of stress as the nonspecific response of the body to demands made on it

3 STRESS Stressor- anything that causes an organism to adjust and show stress response CAN BE GOOD OR BAD

4 TYPES OF STRESS EUSTRESS- good stress (heals) Epinephrine handling
DISTRESS- bad stress (destroys) Epinephrine and norepinephrine

5 What makes it stressful?
Primary appraisal- determining if an event is a threat Secondary appraisal- how you will deal with the stressful situation


7 Stress and Illness Hans Selye developed concept of stress as nonspecific response of body to demands

8 General Adaptation Syndrome

9 GAS ALARM- fight or flight response Heart pounds Breathing faster
Muscles tense/prepare to act Perspiration increases to cool Stomach/digestion/ saliva slow

10 General Adaptation Syndrome
RESISTANCE- try to cope over time Moderate arousal Higher stress lowers immunity The colds that come and never go away

11 General Adaptation Syndrome
EXHAUSTION- your system gets run down More vulnerable to disease Psychosomatic (psychophysiological disorders)

12 Stress and Illness immune system is body's major defense against bacteria /viruses. Psychoneuroimmunology -- how psychological and physiological factors interact to influence immune system. A wide variety of stressful events can affect immune system functioning.

13 CAUSES OF STRESS 1. Conflicts
Only some goals can be satisfied at the expense of others Approach-approach: two or more positive choices Have your cake and eat it too? Examples??

14 CAUSES OF STRESS Avoidance-avoidance- no-win situation
Two or more negative options Burned either way “Lesser of two evils” Damned if I do/ don’t Procrastinate or escape

15 TYPES OF CONFLICT Approach-avoidance I should do this…but
Swinging back and forth Have to do something bad in the process TRY TO AVOID THESE

16 TYPES OF CONFLICT Multiple Approach-Avoidance Weigh your options
Complex and tough Getting married/ divorced/ choosing a college/ major

17 2. Major life events WE DON’T LIKE CHANGE!!!!! Can be good OR bad
Adolescent stress scale Usually temporary

18 Causes of Stress 3. Frustration Interference w/ Goal-directed behavior
DRIVES or INCENTIVES When some kind of force is keeping you from your goal Could be permanent or temporary

19 Types of Frustration 1. Environmental frustration
Something external keeps you from your goal (time, money, weather, traffic, noise, etc.) 2. Social Frustration Person that keeps you from your goals Parents, teachers, siblings, etc.

20 Types of Frustration 3. Personal frustration
Something about you stops you A. unrealistic expectations of self B. Unrealistic expectations of others

21 Types of Frustration C. Excessive use of defense mechanisms

22 Causes of Stress 4. Catastrophe (Natural disasters) Causes change
Worry lingers (1 year or more)

23 PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Intense fear when reliving a stressful event Flashbacks, sleep issues, paranoia, anxiety, irritability, poor concentration

24 Stress and Perception Men vs. Women
Women “tend and befriend” : oxytocin minimizes adrenaline and cortisol Men internalization or confrontation Women live longer, men more prone to heart disease

25 Mood/ personality (optimism/pessimism)
Perception and Stress Mood/ personality (optimism/pessimism) Type A (hostile, competitive aggressive) vs. type B (non)

26 Explanatory style matters.
Awfulizing/ learned helplessness Optimism DOES affect our health

27 Explanatory Styles (Cognition)
Temporary vs Permanent Specific vs Universal (general) External vs Internal

28 How do you not let it bother you?
Hardiness- characteristics that reduce the influence of stressors (less illness!) Commitment, sense of control, view stress as a challenge Have resources to cope



31 Coping With Stress 1. Planning- GET AN AGENDA!!!! Budget, prioritize
2. Problem-focused coping: you have control and can fix the problem

32 Coping Mechanisms 3. Emotion-focused coping
You can’t fix the problem, but you accept those limits and cope with your emotions.

33 COPING Mechanisms 4. DON’T DWELL on negatives
5. Behavior Modification Therapy/Stress Management 6. Distraction- gets your mind off it

34 Coping Mechanisms 7. Social Support- getting it out, advice, understanding, approval, money, help! + Life span evidence 8. Sense of Humor/ eustress



37 Coping Mechanisms 9. meditation/relaxation
10. physical activity- health, endorphins, well-being Even moderate can make a difference


39 1973

40 1983

41 1993

42 2006


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