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Geometric Shapes Tangram Activities The University of Texas at Dallas.

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1 Geometric Shapes Tangram Activities The University of Texas at Dallas

2 Can You Give The Names of These Shapes? SQUARE RETANGLE PARALLELOGRAM TRAPEZOID RIGHT TRIANGLE The University of Texas at Dallas

3 COMPARING SHAPES The University of Texas at Dallas  HOW ARE THEY DIFFERENT? Squares and rectangles both have right angles  HOW ARE THE SQUARE AND RECTANGLE ALIKE? All the sides of the square are equal. Rectangles have equal lengths and widths. 4cm 7cm 5cm

4 COMPARING SHAPES  HOW ARE THE RECTANGLE AND PARALLELOGRAM ALIKE? Both have opposite sides parallel and equal in length.  HOW ARE THEY DIFFERENT? Rectangles have right angles. Parallelograms do not have right angles. If a parallelogram has right angles, it becomes a rectangle. Rectangles are really special parallelograms. The University of Texas at Dallas 3cm 4cm 7cm

5 COMPARING SHAPES  HOW DOES A TRAPEZOID COMPARE TO A PARALLELOGRAM? Trapezoids have exactly 1 pair of parallel sides. Parallelograms have 2 pairs of parallel sides. 3cm 4cm The University of Texas at Dallas

6 TANGRAM ACTIVIES  LOOK AT THE 7 TANGRAM PIECES. The University of Texas at Dallas  CAN YOU GIVE THE NAME OF EACH PIECE? A B F C G D E A, B, C, D, E are right triangles. Notice that A and B are larger than the others and are the same size. How does C compare with A and B? What about D and E? F is a square. G is a parallelogram.

7 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Look  Look at the grid of figures. You will use the tangram pieces to form the shapes at the top: triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, or trapezoid using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 tangram pieces. As we make the shapes, draw them in the space on the table and label the pieces used (i.e. A, B, C …) The University of Texas at Dallas

8 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Going across the table, complete the table for 1 piece.  Why is there an ‘X’ under rectangle and trapezoid on the table? The University of Texas at Dallas Answer

9 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Because we cannot make those shapes with any of the tangrams provided using only 1 piece. The University of Texas at Dallas

10 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Using a small triangle (E or D) and the parallelogram, complete the table for 2 pieces.  Do not forget to draw and label your answers. The University of Texas at Dallas Note for tutor. Click Me ! Click Me!!!

11 TANGRAM ACTIVITES  Let students move triangles around and discover shapes they can make in any order.  Ask them how they know a figure is a parallelogram, trapezoid, etc. as they find them. The University of Texas at Dallas

12 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Here is one solution. Solutions with different orientations of the shapes are the same. Not possible D E The University of Texas at Dallas E D E G E D

13 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas  Now use 3 tangram pieces to complete the table.  DO YOU KNOW WHICH PIECES TO USE? Note for tutor. Click Me ! Click Me!!!

14 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Let students move the pieces on their own before you give the hint. Some students may not need the hint at all. Others may need it after just a few tries.  As students find solutions, continue to ask how they know the figure is correct. For example: “How do you know that’s a parallelogram?” The University of Texas at Dallas More

15 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Ask students to demonstrate how the hint is true. This idea will help them with more complicated figures.  Let students explore how the pieces can fit together.  For example: D F D F Perfect Fit Not Fit The University of Texas at Dallas HINT

16 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use the 2 small triangles (E, D) and the medium triangle C to form the shapes.  All 5 shapes can be made my moving only 1 piece. The University of Texas at Dallas

17 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas E D B E D C E D C E D C E D C Solution:

18 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use 4 pieces to complete the table for 4 pieces.  You decide which pieces are needed to make the shapes. HINT The University of Texas at Dallas

19 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Students may choose any 4 pieces to make the shapes.  The 2 small triangles, the square, and the parallelogram can be used to make a parallelogram, rectangle and trapezoid.  The square, parallelogram, a small triangle, and a large triangle will make a triangle.  Two small triangles, the medium triangle and a large triangle can be used to make all of the shapes.  The next slide will show a solution using only triangles. However there are other solutions as well using other pieces.  Ask students to begin with triangle and show how the other shapes can be made by moving only 1 piece.  Is there a shape that requires moving more than 1 piece? The University of Texas at Dallas

20 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas E D C B E D C B E D C B E D C B E D C B Compare your solution.

21 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use 3 smaller triangles, the square and the parallelogram to complete the table for 5 pieces.  Use all the hints mentioned. The University of Texas at Dallas

22 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas E D C F G E D C F G E D C F G E D C F G E D C F G Solution:

23 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use 6 pieces to create a rectangle, parallelogram, and trapezoid (others shapes cannot be made).  Decide which pieces you want to use. The University of Texas at Dallas HINT

24 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use all pieces except 1 large triangle The University of Texas at Dallas Note for tutor. Click Me ! Click Me!!!

25 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Ask students to begin with the parallelogram and show how to create the other shapes by moving only 1 piece. The University of Texas at Dallas SOLUTION

26 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas Not Possible E D C A F G E D C A F G E D C A F G Solution:

27 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Use all 7 pieces to complete the table.  DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO START? HINT The University of Texas at Dallas

28 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  First make the triangle using 5 pieces.  Then the 2 large triangles can be moved around the make the rest of the shapes. The University of Texas at Dallas Note for tutor. Click Me ! Click Me!!!

29 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES  Continue to ask how they know a parallelogram is a parallelogram, etc.  If students didn’t need the hint and found other solutions, have them make the triangle and show how it can be transformed to the other shapes. The University of Texas at Dallas

30 TANGRAM ACTIVITIES The University of Texas at Dallas E D C A B F G E D C A B F G E D C A B F G E D C A B F G E D C A B F G Solution:

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