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Overview of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at SIS Energies

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1 Overview of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at SIS Energies
고려대학교 홍 병 식 서울대 핵물리세미나

2 Schematic Understanding of the Relativistic HI Collisions
Evolution Pre- equilibrium Thermalization QGP? Mixed phase Hadronization (Freeze-out) + Expansion V>0.9c Compression Thermalization Some of the energy they had before is transformed into heat and new particles right here ! 서울대 핵물리세미나

3 Nuclear Phase Diagram T(MeV) Density(n0) Early Universe (RHIC) ~150
~10 Early Universe (RHIC) Color Superconductor Neutron Star Hadron Gas Quark-Gluon Plasma Phase Transition Atomic Nuclei SIS explores Nonperturbative regime of QCD 서울대 핵물리세미나

4 HE Heavy-Ion Accelerators
c.m. Energy (GeV) Status SIS 18 (GSI, Germany) 2A (A=mass number) Running AGS (BNL, USA) 5A Finished SIS 200 8A Just approved; Plan to run from ~2010 SPS (CERN, Switzerland) 20A Finish soon RHIC 200A Running since 2000 LHC 5500A Plan to run from ~2007 서울대 핵물리세미나

5 Heavy-Ion Collisions at SIS
Properties of hot and dense nuclear matter by studying Nuclear Equation-of-State (EoS) In-medium properties of hadrons Test of QCD Experimental Observables Nuclear stopping phenomenon Nonstrange meson production Collective flow Strangeness production Comparison to various models 서울대 핵물리세미나

6 CBM Experiments at GSI HADES KaoS FOPI 서울대 핵물리세미나

7 FOPI Setup Au+Au@1.5AGeV 1 K- in 104 events -IPNE Bucharest, Romania
HI-Beam -IPNE Bucharest, Romania -ITEP Moscow, Russia -CRIP/KFKI Budapest, Hungary -Kurchatov Institute Moscow, Russia -LPC Clermont-Ferrand, France -Korea University, Seoul, Korea -GSI Darmstadt, Germany -IReS Strasbourg, France -FZ Rossendorf, Germany -Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany -Univ. of Warsaw, Poland -RBI Zagreb, Croatia 서울대 핵물리세미나

8 KaoS Setup 서울대 핵물리세미나

9 PID & Detector Acceptance
Examples of FOPI dE/dx vs p/Z in drift chambers Bethe-Bloch parameterization Additional use of plastic to differentiate Z Ru+Ru at 400A MeV Phase-space covered by the FOPI detectors p 서울대 핵물리세미나

10 Collision Centrality Peripheral Central FOPI invented the Erat variable which is extremely sensitive, especially, for the most central collisions. 서울대 핵물리세미나

11 Particle Spectra B. Hong et al., (FOPI) Phys. Rev. C66, (2002) Ru+Ru at 400A MeV Two independent detectors (CDC and HELITRON) give identical results. Nice backward and forward symmetry Dotted lines: fit functions by the Siemens-Rasmussen blast model PRL 42, 880(1979) 서울대 핵물리세미나

12 Particle Spectra 서울대 핵물리세미나

13 Stopping Mean rapidity shift of protons defined by
where yb(yt) is the beam(target) rapidity 서울대 핵물리세미나

14 Stopping Introduce a new variable to test a nuclear transparency
We use the heaviest isobaric nuclei available(9644Ru & 9640Zr) 서울대 핵물리세미나

15 Stopping 0.4A GeV Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr)
B. Hong et al., (FOPI) Phys. Rev. C66, (2002) 0.4A GeV Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr) Experimental data support the transparency scenario. We need higher energy data to figure out which model is valid: More stopping (CBUU model) More transparency (IQMD model) 서울대 핵물리세미나

16 Stopping Rp steeper Trend predicted by IQMD.
B. Hong et al., (FOPI) Nucl. Phys. A 721, 317c (2003) 1.5A GeV Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr) Rp steeper More transparency Trend predicted by IQMD. Absolute values of Rp are not described quantitatively. 서울대 핵물리세미나

17 Stopping 0.4A GeV Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr) Zr+Zr Ru+Ru 서울대 핵물리세미나

18 Stopping 1.5A GeV Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr) 서울대 핵물리세미나

19 Comparison Eb(GeV) dyp/yb Nf 1) Nb 2) Mpr 3) Remark
0.256 9.46 6.14 0.21 1.5A 0.258 23.4 9.70 0.41 More Transparent Number of projectile nucleons in forward hemisphere Number of projectile nucleons in backward hemisphere Mixing parameter: more transparent for a larger Mpr 서울대 핵물리세미나

20 Collective Flow Reaction plane time reaction plane transverse plane (at midrapidity) v2< v2 >0 elliptic flow RN=(1+ v2)/(1-v2) v1<0 v1 >0 sideward flow px = v1 pt Fourier expansion of azimuthal distribution gives the phase space distribution w.r.t. the reaction plane. S. Voloshin & Y. Zhang, Z. Phys. C70, 665 (1996) J.Y. Ollitrault, Nucl. Phys. A638, 195c (1998) 서울대 핵물리세미나

21 Sideward Flow –integrated
FOPI Collaboration, Phys. Rev. C67, (2003) pt integrated sideward flow is sensitive to EoS MDI (especially at projectile rapidity) σNN (especially at low beam energies less than ~100A MeV) SM(soft EoS with MDI) well describe data Better agreement for larger collision system 서울대 핵물리세미나

22 Sideward Flow –differential
Differential directed flow (DDF) for Au+Au collisions at 400A MeV DDF shows a clear sensitivity on the EoS. IQMD deviates at large y and large pt for Z=1. SM(soft EoS with MDI) well describe data. 서울대 핵물리세미나

23 Sideward Flow -warning
IQMD fails to reproduce the measured integrated sideward flow for Z=2 particles at 90A MeV Remember that IQMD also fails to reproduce the centrality dependence of the nuclear stopping for Ru+Ru at 400A MeV previous slides 서울대 핵물리세미나

24 Elliptic Flow -systematic study
FOPI Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A679, 765 (2001) pt dependence Centrality dependence Eb dependence A dependence 서울대 핵물리세미나

25 Elliptic Flow –transition energy
Our data agree well with the Plastic Ball data. Transition from in-plane to out-of-plane azimuthal enhancement near 100A MeV 서울대 핵물리세미나

26 Elliptic Flow -comparison
Model cannot explain the experimental observation. 서울대 핵물리세미나

27 Strangeness Production
Motivation (reminder) Study the in-medium effect due to the chiral symmetry restoration Equation-of-State By using the production yields the momentum distribution 서울대 핵물리세미나

28 Phase-space distribution
Ni+Ni 1.93A GeV KaoS Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 495, 26 (2000) Isotropic thermal source central (b≤4.4 fm) non-central Fit function : 2 서울대 핵물리세미나

29 K-/K+ Ratio FOPI measures the target rapidity region:
Eur. Phys. J. A9, 515 (2000) Nucl. Phys. A 625, 307 (1997) with without in-medium potentials RBUU calculation by E.Bratkovskaya, W.Cassing (Giessen) similar trends by G.Q.Li (Stony Brook) 서울대 핵물리세미나

30 Equivalent Energy Analysis
KaoS Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4007 (1997) Ni+Ni at various beam energies 40° < θlab < 48° Use equivalent beam energies to correct for different production thresholds 1.0 GeV/u for K+ 1.8 GeV/u for K- each corresponds to K+ yield at 1.0 GeV/u is almost the same as K- yield at 1.0 GeV/u. 서울대 핵물리세미나

31 Equivalent Energy Analysis
KaoS Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4007 (1997) Considering the pp→K+/-+X cross section, there is about factor of 7 enhancement in K- production in medium. Parameterizations by H. Müller, ZPA353, 103 (1995) Indicates the importance of the multiple collisions for the strangeness production 서울대 핵물리세미나

32 Determination of the EoS
KaoS Collaboration, Phy. Rev. Lett. 86, 39 (2001) Comp. between Au+Au & C+C Purpose: disentangle soft EoS effect and in-medium effect Baryon density (ρB) depends on the nuclear compressibility Au+Au will reach much higher ρB Subthreshold K+ production by multiple scattering means ~ρB2 at least → will increase the K+ yield in larger collision system → more important at lower beam energies But UKN depends linearly or less than linearly on ρB → will reduce the K+ yield in larger collision system MAuAu/MCC(K+) favors the soft Equation-of-State. 서울대 핵물리세미나

33 Collective Flow of K+ (v1)
Ni+Ni 1.93A GeV FOPI Collaboration, Z. Phys. A 352, 355 (1995) Striking results on the kaon sideflow from the FOPI triggered a lot of discussions. 서울대 핵물리세미나

34 Collective Flow of K+ (v1)
FOPI Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B486, 6 (2000) K+ sideflow can be used to study in-medium effect Strong pt- dependence Antiflow w.r.t. baryons at small pt Flow in baryon direction at large pt Magnitude of flow changes with collision centrality Favors repulsive potential and increased kaon mass 1.7A GeV Ru + Ru Rapidity interval: -1.2 < y(0) < -0.5 <bgeo>=3.8fm <bgeo>=2.3fm RBUU model calculations by E.Bratkovskaya & W.Cassing 서울대 핵물리세미나

35 Collective Flow of K+ (v2)
Au+Au 1A GeV KaoS Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1576 (1998) b≤5 fm due to the absorption 5<b≤10 fm b>10 fm due to the scattering 서울대 핵물리세미나

36 Collective Flow of K+ (v2)
RBUU model calculations by G.Q. Li et al., Phys. Lett. B 381, 17 (1996) with in-medium potential without in-medium potential 서울대 핵물리세미나

37 F Production K+K- invariant mass spectra Ni+Ni at 1.93A GeV
FOPI Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A714, 89 (2002) K+K- invariant mass spectra Ni+Ni at 1.93A GeV Φ-yield = K--yield at the same incident energy! Systematics: Φ/K- = % Theoretical Expectations: ?? 서울대 핵물리세미나

38 Long-Term Future Exploring nuclear matter at the highest-density
B. Friman et al., Eur. Phys. J. A3, 165(1998) 서울대 핵물리세미나

39 Motivation-Strangeness
QGP already at 30A GeV? Unique maximum in AA When this enhancement of hyperons starts? 서울대 핵물리세미나

40 Motivation-e+e- pair 서울대 핵물리세미나

41 Motivation-Charm SIS18: strangeness production near threshold (1-3 n0)
SIS200: charm production near threshold (5-10 n0) In-medium effects 서울대 핵물리세미나

42 Simple Estimates of Open Charms
Quark-meson Coupling model Sibirtsev, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas, EPJA6, 351 (1999) (dc) PYTHIA calculation for open charm meson production 서울대 핵물리세미나

43 More explicit channel, e.g.,
Simple Estimates B. Hong, JKPS43, 685 (2003) More explicit channel, e.g., 서울대 핵물리세미나

44 More Motivations Indications for deconfinement at high baryon density
Anomalous charmonium suppression Temperature of Hot Nuclear Matter Virtual photons decaying into e+e- pairs Equation-of-State Flow measurement (direct, v2, radial, etc.) Critical Point Event-by-Event fluctuations Color Superconductivity Precursor effects at T > TC 서울대 핵물리세미나

45 How? Accelerator Side Detector Side
Require high intensity for rare particle measurements: ~109 ions/sec (cf. ~107 ions/sec at the SPS) High spill fraction: 0.8 (cf at the SPS) Detector Side Identification of hadrons at high momentum with high track density environment (~1000 for 25A GeV Au+Au) Identification of electrons with pion suppression by 104 – 105 (need two electron detectors) Reconstruction of particle vertices with high resolution Large acceptance 서울대 핵물리세미나

46 2nd Generation Fixed Target Exp.
Magnetic field: 1-2 T Silicon Pixel/Strip: hyperons and D’s RICH: electrons, high momentum pions & kaons TRD: electrons from the J/Psi decay TOF Start: diamond pixel Stop: RPC CBM Detector Concept 서울대 핵물리세미나

47 Conclusions Stopping Collective flow Particle Production
New experimental approach exploiting N/Z shows incomplete mixing for the most central collisions. Collective flow Fourier analysis of azimuthal distributions reveals the detailed event shape over full phase-space. Particle Production Pion spectra provides an information of the Coulomb interaction and the modification of the delta-spectral function. Kaon yields and spectra favor the in-medium modification of kaon masses (it also favors a soft EoS). 서울대 핵물리세미나

48 Conclusions –continued-
Nuclear EoS is not understood yet. But many promising experimental observables such as collective flow and strangeness production are available to constrain it. Evidence for in-medium effects from strange particle observables. It exists, but more accurate (high statistics) data are needed. But difficult near threshold energy Future CBM experiments at the future GSI facility We can start the CBM experiment in ten years (far future). But it takes more than ten years to design and build it. 서울대 핵물리세미나

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