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Beginning Activities Title today’s lesson: The Cold War Expands/The Cold War at Home Beginning Activity: Finish up your map and prepare to turn it in at.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning Activities Title today’s lesson: The Cold War Expands/The Cold War at Home Beginning Activity: Finish up your map and prepare to turn it in at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning Activities Title today’s lesson: The Cold War Expands/The Cold War at Home Beginning Activity: Finish up your map and prepare to turn it in at the end of class Mission Statement: To prepare you for a life of responsible citizenship Daily Expectations: – No one leaves once class has begun. – Come in quietly and get to work immediately – Pay attention and be respectful – No phones – No food or drinks other than water – Do your work – Give AP quality effort 5 bonus points for supplies

2 Extra Credit 5 points each 6 weeks for bringing supplies: – Paper clips – Pens – Paper – Staples – Tape

3 The Cold War Expands/The Cold War at Home Chapter 28 The Onset of the Cold War 1945-1960

4 The Military Dimension Two main goals: – More unified armed forces – Create new institutions to coordinate military and diplomatic strategy through the National Security Act of 1947: Department of Defense Central Intelligence Agency National Security Council Because of the atomic bomb, the air force became the dominant military branch. NSC-68 – New statement of national defense policy – Called for a massive expansion of defense spending to defeat the Soviets

5 The Cold War in Asia America had total domination over Japan. Nationalists and Communists fought a civil war in China following the war. Neither side would compromise despite American attempts. Communist leader Mao Zedong drove the Nationalists and their leader, Chiang Kai-Shek to Taiwan. American recognized the Nationalist government on Taiwan as the only legitimate China.

6 The Korean War Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel in 1945. The Soviets controlled the North, and America controlled the South. The Soviets and Americans left, and the North Koreans, armed by the Soviets, invaded the South on June 25, 1950. America responded by pushing the North Koreans back to the 38 th parallel. Gen. MacArthur tried to push past the 38 th parallel, but the North Koreans, with help from China, pushed back. The conflict ended right back where it began.

7 Truman’s Domestic Policy Americans wanted to spend after the war. Prices increased when Congress removed war-era price controls. Union workers went on strike for higher wages, and Truman was caught in the middle. The public didn’t want more government spending on social reform to continue the New Deal. Truman narrowly won the election of 1948 by campaigning against the “do-nothing Congress.”

8 McCarthyism & Election of 1952 Stories of communist spies created a second Red Scare. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) tried to find communists. Truman created the Loyalty Review Board to investigate the patriotism of U.S. officials. Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed to know communists who worked in the government. Stalemate in Korea and the second Red Scare gave Republicans a victory in 1952.

9 Video Activity: McCarthyism What was Sen. McCarthy’s personality like? What was the area that McCarthy was from like? How do you think McCarthy’s ambition impacted his actions against alleged communists?

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