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Integers Compare and ordering.

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Presentation on theme: "Integers Compare and ordering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers Compare and ordering

2 Vocabulary Know these words by the end of the week for vocabulary test. Integer Opposite Absolute value

3 Integers Example Non - Example Definition - 0.3 9/17 56 - 5 - 3 5.6 5
Whole numbers and their opposites 5.6 5 1/2 9/3 - 5.03

4 < Negative Positive Numbers increase in value from left to right
- 5 5 Above Gain Received Increase Owe Below Loss Debt

5 Order each set of numbers from least to greatest
Example 1) -4, 8, -2, -6, 3 -6, -4, -2, 3, 8 -5, -2, -1, 0, 7 Example 2) -2, 0, 7, -1, -5 Example 3) Scores in a golf tournament are reported by the number of strokes each player is above or below par. The scores for six players are -12, +2, -7, +8, 4, and -3. Order the scores from lowest to highest. -12,-7,-3, 2, 4, 8

6 -150 15 -600 Example 4) The diver dove 150 ft.
Write an integer for each situation Example 4) The diver dove 150 ft. -150 Example 5) The distance between home and school is 15 miles. 15 Example 6) The customer owes $600. -600

7 Opposite Example Non - Example Definition
- 5 5 5 5 - 6 8 Definition numbers that are the same distance from zero

8 Absolute value X -X 4 ─ 4 = 4 = 4 Definition - The distance from zero.
Distance is always positive Symbol - Two parallel bars with a number in between. X -X 4 spaces Find the absolute value of 4 and -4 4 = 4 4 ─ 4 = 4 ─ 4

9 Give the opposite of each integer
Example 7) 16 - 16 Example 8) -91 91 Example 9) - 6/3 6/3 Example 10) 0 2 Find the absolute Value Example 11) │16│ 16 Example 12) -│10│ - 10 Example 13) │- 6│ 6 Example 14) -│-1│ - 1

10 Notes start here

11 Date ________________
Integers Compare and ordering

12 Integers Example Non - Example Definition

13 Numbers increase in value from left to right
- 5 5

14 Order each set of numbers from least to greatest
Example 1) -4, 8, -2, -6, 3 Example 2) -2, 0, 7, -1, -5 Example 3) Scores in a golf tournament are reported by the number of strokes each player is above or below par. The scores for six players are -12, +2, -7, +8, 4, and -3. Order the scores from lowest to highest.

15 Example 4) The diver dove 150 ft.
Write an integer for each situation Example 4) The diver dove 150 ft. Example 5) The distance between home and school is 15 miles. Example 6) The customer owes $600.

16 Opposite Example Non - Example Definition
- 5 5 5 5 - 6 8 Definition numbers that are the same distance from zero

17 Absolute value Definition - The _________ from zero.
Distance is always _______ Symbol - ___________ bars with a number in between. Find the absolute value of 4 and -4

18 Give the opposite of each integer
Example 7) 16 Example 8) -91 Example 9) - 6/3 Example 10) 0 Find the absolute Value Example 11) │16│ Example 12) -│10│ Example 13) │- 6│ Example 14) -│-1│

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