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Trevor Jim Nikhil Swamy Michael Hicks Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies Jason FroehlichSeptember 24, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Trevor Jim Nikhil Swamy Michael Hicks Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies Jason FroehlichSeptember 24, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trevor Jim Nikhil Swamy Michael Hicks Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies Jason FroehlichSeptember 24, 2008

2 Script Injection Unauthorized script is added to web page, is executed by browser Methods of attack: Stored – Unvalidated user-generated content Reflected – Embedded in URL DOM based

3 Why is it still an issue? Need to display content provided by users Filtering is complicated Need for rich content Browsers work differently

4 Preventing Script Execution Escape every ' ' Effective, but restricts rich content Detect scripts Difficult Multiple Vectors Encoding and Quoting Browser Quirks

5 1. 2. 3.... 4....{background-image:url("javascript:alert(’JavaScript’)");} 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.... 11. ]]> 12. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=data:text/html;base64,data:text/html;base64 PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4K"> 13. <img src=javascript :alert('XSS')> 14. javascript:alert("3&quot 15. <img src='java script:alert(1)'> 16.

6 Creating a Solution Observations: Browsers perform script detection Web developer knows which scripts are legit. Solution: Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies (BEEP)‏ Browser only runs scripts deemed 'OK' by web app

7 Security Hook Script added to head of each document Evaluates each scripts before JS Interpreter Makes decisions based on predefined policies Hook must be run before all other scripts

8 Types of Policies Whitelist Hash of legit script DOM Sandbox App marks areas where malicious scripts possible Unexpected Script Reporting Script Classes

9 Complete Coverage All approved scripts must be marked Security hook must be implemented first Set as first script in document

10 Deployment Modify Browser Insert handler where JS interpreter is called Modify Server Add security hook to each page Incremental Implementation

11 Assumptions Attacker has no special access to web app. Attacker cannot modify data in transit User trusts site enough to execute scripts Site will tactfully endorse scripts

12 Whitelists All valid scripts are known by developer SHA-1 hash of each script is embedded in page Hook compares generated hash to one provided Hashing function provided by JS or browser lib. Alternate Implementation: Use full content of each script instead of hash Reduces overhead, avoids collisions, larger pages

13 DOM Sandboxing Developer knows areas where malicious content possible Mark these areas with special tag - “noexecute” Browser checks script's location in DOM tree for “noexecute” Allows for unknown but trusted scripts 3 rd party ads

14 Implementing DOM Sandboxing Place content into container marked as “noexecute” Problem: Easy to break out of container... possibly-malicious content... malicious script

15 Improved DOM Sandboxing Content encoded as JavaScript string String embedded into document Prevents escape from container document.getElementById("n5").innerHTML = "quoted possibly-malicious content "

16 Other Issues Scripts Generating Scripts If parent script trusted, child is also Third Party Scripts Trust place holder script All subsequent scripts will be trusted

17 Browser Implementation Konqueror & Safari 650 lines of code, plus 650 for hash implementation Opera Partial implementation in 79 lines, + 137 for hash User JavaScripts Firefox and Internet Exploder Not currently implemented Both have extensions similar to User JavaScripts, but allow other scripts to execute first

18 Web Application Implementation Whitelist Policy Find scripts in page elements, event handlers, hyperlinks Insert whitelist and hook into document's head DOM Sandboxing Policy Pages must be in certain structure Identify areas where user input can appear Escape content of these areas Insert security hook into document's head

19 Effectiveness 100%, when implemented accurately Verified by 61 known browser execution vectors Possible weakness – Hash collision

20 Browser Overhead Benchmarks All tests done in Safari 2.0.4 Whitelists – 14.4% (0.2 seconds)‏ DOM Sandboxing – 6.6% (.1 seconds)‏ Delays would be maskd by network latency Server Overhead Benchmarks - ?

21 Similar Projects Script Keys – Gervase Markham Add random string to each valid script Execute only those which contained string Content Security Policy – Bsterne Firefox extension - US/firefox/addon/7478 US/firefox/addon/7478 Valid scripts placed in external file Blocks all other scripts

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