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HR Partners What's coming - Enhancements to Faculty Summer Compensation February 28, 2012 Debbie Wooddell ~ Dean Franklin.

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Presentation on theme: "HR Partners What's coming - Enhancements to Faculty Summer Compensation February 28, 2012 Debbie Wooddell ~ Dean Franklin."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Partners What's coming - Enhancements to Faculty Summer Compensation February 28, 2012 Debbie Wooddell ~ Dean Franklin

2 Faculty Summer Compensation myMemphis portal provides easy access to Faculty Summer Compensation Self-Service EPAF Program Guides

3 E-contract Improvements E-contract revision fields are hi-lighted E-contract versions are date specific Grant check box no longer needed E-contract number available for entry on EPAF tying the two together EPAF Friendly page within E-contract

4 Faculty Summer Comp EPAFs Pre Summer Credit (F9), PRESUM 1 st Summer Credit (F9), 1STSUM 1 st Teacher Summer Credit (F9), 1TCSUM 2 nd Summer Credit (F9), 2NDSUM 2 nd Teacher Summer Credit (F9), 2TCSUM Full Summer Credit (F9), FULSUM Law Summer Credit (F9), LAWSUM RODP Summer Credit (F9), RODPSM Faculty Summer Compensation (F9), FACSUM Revise Job Assignment, RVJOB

5 E-contract EPAF Friendly Page SSB – EPAF Entries to a minimum

6 Email Notifications Originator will receive emails: –Discrepancies between the EPAF Friendly page and the EPAF entries saved and/or submitted –Voided EPAFs –Cancelled EPAFs Department Approver or Dean/Dir will receive emails: –Discrepancies between the EPAF Friendly page and the EPAF entries have been submitted; EPAF requires a return for correction HR Records will receive emails: –When an EPAF has been voided or cancelled

7 Email Example

8 Faculty Summer Compensation Guides E-contract updated with improvements Faculty Summer Comp (FAC) EPAF Guide –Creating FAC EPAF –Approve FAC EPAF –Revision/Terminations –FAC IF/Then Scenarios

9 Learning Curve

10 Questions????

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