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Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Neptune Middle School 2009 - 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Neptune Middle School 2009 - 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Neptune Middle School 2009 - 2010

2 What is Positive Behavior Support? l A way to focus on positive behaviors and decrease focus on negative behaviors. l System helps students want to learn, model, and repeat desired behaviors and expectations. l Teachers, administration, and students focus on the positive, thereby changing the school climate.

3 What is an Expectation l A behavior or procedure that students need to follow for the health, safety, or classroom management. l Procedures vary upon area and teacher. l All based upon the expectations of being a H.A.W.K.

4 HAWK lglgood H abits lAlA ccountable lWlW ork ethic lKlK ind

5 How Students are Rewarded l Students can earn awards throughout the day following Seahawk expectations. l Reward contingent on desired behavior. l Students can’t loose rewards or activities after being earned. Each reward is based on student’s behavior at a specific time or moment. l Any teacher or staff member can reward the student when seen modeling expectations.

6 The “Sand Dollar” l States Expectations l Tear off packs l Can be exchanged for rewards

7 Student Rewards l PBS Store l Ice Cream Social l Cookie Decorating Party l Pizza and Music Party l Fear Factor l Luau l Free Pizza or Slushy Coupon l Eat Outside

8 Sand Dollars ActivityMonth1-10Sept (Grade Levels) 20 Fear FactorFear Factor  No Tardies  No office referrals Oct 22Oct 22 ( school-wide) 6,7,8 1 Awarded for Participation Student receives a sand dollar or coupon for participation in this event.Nov. (School-Wide Project) 1-20#1  No office referrals Dec 17-19Dec 17-19 (Grade Levels) 1-10 TEAM EVENTTEAM EVENT  No office referrals Jan (optional) 1-20#2  No office referrals Feb 17-19 (Grade Levels) 1 Awarded for Participation Student receives a sand dollar or coupon for participation in this event.March (School-Wide Project) 30 Luau SocialLuau Social No absences during FCAT No office referrals April 17 (rain date April 20) 25 Buy a table outside with 4 friends at lunch Sept. thruSept. thruJune PBS- STORE 0-25 Varies on the item, activity, or Grade-Level Other Sand Dollar Uses Available:Other Sand Dollar Uses Available: PBS cart, Front of the lunch line, Job shadow an administrator for 2 periods, PBS student of the Week Drawing, Golden Steering Award to the best bus and bus driver, PBS Skit with four friends on T.V, Man (or woman) on the street video interview, Hot dog or BBQ lunch, Pep rally, field Day, and much, much, more Sept. thruSept. thruJune PBS- STORE /Team/ Grade-Level SAND DOLLAR SAVING PLAN

9 In our first year of implementation, we received a PBS Model School designation for our 6 th Grade Center. Our discipline referrals had decreased significantly and our recognition program was a hit with the students and faculty.

10 Month Total Referrals 04-05 05-06 Total Days 04-05 05-06 Total Per/Day Per/Month 04-05 05-06 August73 5310 177.3 3.1 September227 13717 2113.4 6.5 October344 13421 1816.4 7.4 November389 17519 1820.5 9.7 December257 9716 1216.1 8.1 January253 15619 2013.3 7.8 February397 20819 20.9 10.9 March310 15918 17.2 8.8 April340 17220 1817.0 9.6 May334 16117 19.6 9.5 2924 1452176 17816.6 8.2

11 Fear Factor is held in October so students have had time to collect enough Sand Dollars to purchase a ticket. Our second semester event is the Luau. This is another extremely popular PBS Experience.

12 Set up and organization for the Luau requires dedication and a tremendous amount of teacher and student labor.

13 May 2009

14 PBS Store Currency for Store

15 RtI and PBS Terminology l Response to Intervention & Positive Behavior Support l Universal/School-Wide/Classroom/Tier I/Core Curriculum l Targeted Group/Tier 2/Supplemental Services l Individual/Tier 3/Intensive

16 Step 1 – Problem Identification Step 2 – Problem Analysis Step 3 – Implement Step 4 – Evaluate

17 Is it Working? l Make instructional decisions based on the review and analysis of student data l Progress Monitoring includes graphing the results

18 Response to Intervention l Did we meet the intervention goal? - Review the Goal Statement on the Analyzing Patterns Worksheet l Are there: - Decreases in problem behavior - Increases in appropriate behavior - Achievement of broader goals - Increases in academic achievement

19 PBS Rocks!

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