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TOF Mass Measurements: Status and Future (or When the Masses of the R-Process Nuclides will be Measured?) Milan MATOŠ JINA Frontiers August 20, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "TOF Mass Measurements: Status and Future (or When the Masses of the R-Process Nuclides will be Measured?) Milan MATOŠ JINA Frontiers August 20, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOF Mass Measurements: Status and Future (or When the Masses of the R-Process Nuclides will be Measured?) Milan MATOŠ JINA Frontiers August 20, 2007

2 Known Masses (AME 2003) r-process ETSFI-Q dripline

3 Mass Measurement Techniques Penning trapsTime-of-Flight very precise ~ 1 keVless precise ~100 keV half life > 10 ms half life > 1  s rate > 100 part/s after the nuclide production rate > 0.01 part/s after the nuclide production complexsimple expected to be first to measure r-process masses

4 Principle of Time-of-Flight Mass Measurements usually B  acceptance ± several percent solutions B  measurement isochronicity t constant for fixed m/q even if v 1 < v 2 dispersive mode

5 Existing Time-of-Flight Mass Measurement Facilities B  measurement isochronicity multi-turn linear flight path B  distribution

6 TOFI at Los Alamos


8 10m Isochronous Mass Spectrometry in ESR (at GSI)

9 IMS at GSI

10 TOF-B  at the NSCL path length ~ 58m fast PMTs: Timing Resolution  ~ 30ps MCP: Position Resolution  < 0.5mm see next talk by A. Estrade

11 Comparisons TOFI at LANL SPEG at GANIL SMS at GSI TOF-B  at NSCL B  distribution isochron.Br meas.isochron.Br meas. flight pathN/A82m100 x 108m58m relative resolution N/A1x10 -4 2x10 -5 1x10 -4 relative uncertainty 2x10 -6 1-2x10 -6 typical energy N/A40 MeV/u350MeV/u100MeV/u

12 Isochronicity vs. B  measurement Comparisons easy to set updifficult to set up no B  measurement needed (no detector) position sensitive required low large energy losses in detectors large energy losses in detectors low energy vs. high energy low charge contaminationlarge charge contamination unlimited m/q range for one settinglimited m/q range for one setting linear vs. multi-turn shorter flight time longer flight time better resolutionworse resolution limitation on total statistics < 10pps total statistics < 1000pps isomeric contamination: resolved for E > 500keV isomeric contamination: fully covered by  detectors transmission ~ 0.1% transmission ~ 10%

13 TOF (yellow) vs. Penning traps (blue)


15 RIKEN – BigRIPS+ ZDS E ~ 350MeV/A TOF start/stop (88 m) B  measurement

16 FAIR – isochronous CR E ~ 1.5GeV/A ILIMA project

17 ISF at MSU E ~ 250MeV/A

18 ISF at MSU E ~ 250MeV/A

19 Future Facilities Rates FAIR: 2012 first experiments 2015 completion ISF: 2016 if approved Big RIPS: 2007 first experiments timelines rate needed ~ 0.01pps rate needed ~ 0.1pps

20 Conclusions in 5 years – first large r-process areas by RIKEN Z < 40 & Z~50 in 10 years – Z < 40 & Z~50 fully covered by MSU or GSI In 15 years – Penning trap measurements in the r-process area penetration into more exotic r-process areas In 20 years – ???? competition has already started who will be the winner? depends on decisions many surprises are expected theoreticians (nuclear models, r-process) should be prepared JINA should be involved

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