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April 14, 2015 SIG Alignment Survey – Focus Group Details.

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Presentation on theme: "April 14, 2015 SIG Alignment Survey – Focus Group Details."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 14, 2015 SIG Alignment Survey – Focus Group Details

2 Page 2 Survey Developed December/January Opened – 2/06/15 Closed – 2/23/15 35 Government Responses 78 Industry Responses Focus Group conducted at DOI 3/16 and 3/17 Day 1 86 invitees 55 responses 24 attendees Day 2 85 invitees 52 responses 19 attendees Survey and Focus Group Statistics

3 Page 3 Survey Results – Industry Priority Areas High > 70%Medium > 50%Low < 50% Shared services across domains Acquisition policyNetwork Services 2020* CybersecurityFinancial management shared services Human capital management Analytics/big dataMobilityIV&V Information sharingHealth ITCategory management InnovationStrategic sourcingGrants management Project management DATA Act Public-private partnerships – secure landing zones Cloud computing Customer service

4 Page 4 Survey Results – Government Priority Areas High > 70%Medium > 50%Low < 50% Shared services across domains Acquisition policyNetwork Services 2020* Analytics/big dataMobilityFinancial management shared services Information sharingCybersecurityHuman capital management InnovationWorkforce managementGrants management Project managementHealth IT Cloud computingIV&V Customer serviceCategory management Strategic sourcing DATA Act Public-private partnerships – secure landing zones

5 Page 5 49% of survey participants have engaged with SIGs/WGs within the last year Of the 17 who engaged, 94% (16) remain engaged Government SIG/WG Participation

6 Page 6 60% of survey participants have engaged with SIGs/WGs within the last year Of the 46 who engaged, 82% (38) remain engaged Industry SIG/WG Participation

7 Page 7 Reasons for engagement Government SIG/WG Participation

8 Page 8 Reasons for engagement Additional reasons industry members engage: Understanding alignment between government requirements and private sector capabilities The collaborative approach to challenges from an industry/government perspective Want to be part of the movement to make the company relevant and improve the Federal Government. Industry SIG/WG Participation

9 Page 9 Reasons government members are not engaged Government SIG/WG Participation

10 Page 10 Additional reasons government members are not engaged: I don't live in the DC area and couldn't commit to being at a monthly meeting in person. I travel based on the needs of my current project work. Just joined I signed up through the website to join the Acquisition group but have not seen opportunities to be involved yet Times and logistics that I have challenges with I need to be able to participate by phone because I am not in the DC area I don't feel they provide enough useful information There is no Cyber Security SIG Government SIG/WG Participation

11 Page 11 Reasons industry members are not engaged Industry SIG/WG Participation

12 Page 12 Additional reasons industry members are not engaged: New to the organization (x4) High travel with limited opportunities to participate remotely We just received our CIOSP3 SB contract through novation. I plan to be involved in the SIGS and CAGS moving forward. I didn't have the time, but now I do. Nothing new or innovative is offered - just the same topics rehashed over and over and over My position is too senior to engage in SIGs, I encourage my staff to do so The group has not met since I signed up for it at the ELC. Industry SIG/WG Participation

13 Page 13 Participation opened up to those outside of the DC area. More teleconferencing/WebEx connectivity More information about groups and frequent updates on website Provide opportunities for government leadership and involvement Provide an adequate structure to handle new govt. volunteers so they are adequately engaged (short-term and long-term) Coordinate SIG activities providing adequate structure and staff to enable SIGs to compliment each other. Eliminate the silos in ACT-IAC – cut out the overlap Address emergent issues Ensure meetings are on metro lines, Have meetings in DC not Virginia (you will get more federal attendance) WRT operation, seems to be a lot of IT connectivity challenges Make people aware of SIG/WG existence Execute short term, actionable agendas. Ensure that groups are and remain active Suggest there is continuing need to explore/analyze emerging issues in the key topical areas. Be more responsive to offers of assistance and willingness to support the SIGs There needs to be more clarity on the expectations for how deliverables of the SIGs are intended to be used. They are currently mostly shelf ware (even thought they're of high quality). Get feedback from Hill representatives and senior government leaders Government Suggestions for Improvement

14 Page 14 Better communication/government speakers Ensure government participation on the SIG and get support from the right GAP leaders for clear goals Need to make SIGs more visible to get more people involved 6 month committees stood up same way as Institute for Innovation A better advertised schedule and agenda. Find ways to get new Gov't faces to the events. Not the same people all the time. More opportunities to participate in focused projects in partnership with gov't members of the SIG Agenda for the year, who is on GAP, not easy to find Improve your website to make this information readily accessible. Gain more government participation Possibly not have so many demands of the SIGs so that we can focus on projects Get more Agency representatives involved Organize by Strategic Plan priority areas. Put topical/committee/projects under the priority areas; review and change as needed Better definition; transparent leadership selection Government participation The Cyber SIG organizers organized a nice meetup a month ago, but don't seem to want help in doing anything further, have not sent a single update to the SIG since the event a month ago, and don't respond to emails. Therefore, it is difficult to be engaged and help government solve problems. Keep focus on solving new problems, not rehashing old tired issues. ACT-IAC needs to emphasize SIGs more at the major conferences. They need to be front and center. Stop creating white papers; do videos, brief reports, online learning modules, etc. Industry Suggestions for Improvement

15 Page 15 Government and Industry Interest is generally consistent with the exception of Health IT and Workforce Management Interest is diverse and broader than the capacity of the current SIG structures to deliver continuous engagement and content Each individual has numerous interests which exceed their capacity to actively engage Individual interests evolve to align with current issues Each group offered additional topics including: New applications of technology to conduct traditionally non-tech business of government Gamification Peripheral HW (Virtual/Augmented Reality) Geospatial DevOps Software Development Process Homeland Protection Survey Observations

16 Page 16 Participation aligns with SIG/WG engagement Engagement drivers for Government focused on interest and collaboration Engagement drivers for Industry focused on opportunities to engage government to understand government and collaboration with other industry members. Learning does play a part but collaboration is most apparent reason Formal meetings that aren’t web enabled discourage government and industry involvement SIGS/WG don’t provide adequate engagement for government participation SIGS/WG are not always easily accessible SIGS/WG information is not easily available or widely communicated SIGS/WG may not be addressing the most relevant or timely issues Survey Observations (cont.)

17 Page 17 Assumption - Current model will change however ACT-IAC must remain capable of responding to government requirements and improving response time Day 1 – Identify the appropriate way that ACT-IAC can respond to government requirements: Short term Government-wide Agency Specific OMB/GAO Day 2 – Identify topics of interest starting with the survey topics and aligned with the ACT-IAC Priority Areas Focus GroupAgenda

18 Page 18 Provided extensive feedback on the government engagement inhibitors Provided extensive feedback on the SIG governance model Expressed wide-spread confusion with the Priority Areas (PA)/Priority Area Leaders (PAL) and their purpose Offered insight into more effective collaboration options – crowdsourcing Requested a “black-out” period to enable government to respond and engage Mapping of the topics of interest to the PAs demonstrated the extensive overlap of high level domains Engagement and involvement must be timely – the amount of time for SIGs/WGs to respond to government requirements must be reduced The complexity of engaging and understanding the SIGs/WGs must be eliminated Users are unable to determine SIG/WG activities unless they are already a member of the SIG/WG Outreach to mid / lower level government critical to active involvement and more collaboration Encourage engagement with educational institutions – possible new resource for SME Enable CPE for project participation and outcomes Institutionalize material that can be used to reduce government engagement obstacles including – ethics; CEU availability; ACT-IAC general mission and specific event details Engagement must be self-service All activity must be transparent to members and non-members to encourage growth ACT-IAC must remain flexible to changing priorities and interests Email is not an effective method for collaboration or communication of engagement opportunities Members do not know what activities are underway unless they are already a member of a SIG/WG Commitment time and complexity is discouraging engagement Individuals require the ability to engage and disengage seamlessly which is not easily accomplished using the current SIG structure or governance model Focus Group Outcomes, Observations and Comments

19 Page 19 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project PM&DAcquisitionAcquisition COAIndustry Day Best Practices Myth bustersAcquisition COA“Lifting the Veil” – bi- monthly meetings, and Forum in June Acquisition best practicesAcquisition COA Highlight “gold standard” best practices in acquisition innovation IV&V Shaping the future of Federal telecommunications NT COANS2020 Operational Excellence WP Government telecommunications best practices and challenges NT COABi-monthly series of collaborative forums CloudCloud COAWP/ Preso on Cloud acquisition Best Practices Best practices applicable to health care processes, accountability and systems FM COAAssist VA with survey and provide a WP and Forum June 9th Suggested COI and COAs

20 Page 20 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project I&DG Data TransparencyDATA Act COAIndustry Day Best Practices DATA Act COAFive New Exec Reports in Development Data AnalyticsAnalytics and Big Data COABig Data Summit April 24th Analytics and Big Data COAMonthly presentations of Big Data practices Mobile TechnologiesAdvanced Mobility COABi-monthly jam sessions Mobile innovationAdvanced Mobility COAMobile app fairs Managing ad hoc data sharing networks in disaster management situations Implementing the Digital Playbook E T COA Workforce managementHC COAIdentify Big Data recruiting best practices by leading companies Suggested COI and COAs

21 Page 21 Strategic PriorityCOICOACOA Project Evolving the WorkforceHR IssuesHC COAIndustry Day Best Practices HR IssuesHC COAMonthly presentations of examples of successful workforce strategies Workforce skillsA M COAWork with OMB/OFPP to address training, skill sets, and other areas where acquisitions may be improved, streamlined, and enhanced. Government IT Manager Core Competencies HC COACompetencies for the Next Generation of IT White Paper Skills required in the acquisition of innovative digital products and services such as cloud, mobile, HC COA, AM COA, ET COA Assist Office of Federal Procurement Policy in its Digital Information Technology Acquisition Professionals (DITAP ) Suggested COI and COAs

22 Page 22 Strategic Priority COICOACOA Project Secure Sharing and Safeguarding CybersecurityCybersecurity COAMonthly forums for cybersecurity issues, best practices and emerging trends Cybersecurity COAThreat Intelligence and Information Sharing, a half day forum 3/31/15 Integrate cybersecurity into government acquisitions Cybersecurity COA Develop a risk management framework Cybersecurity COASupply chain risk management session at ELC 2015 Acquire Shared ServicesAM COAWP Accelerating the Federal Adoption of Shared Services FM COAParticipated in a Treasury workshop on shared services, continued collaboration with OMB on shared services Suggested COI and COAs

23 Page 23 Strategic PriorityCOICOACOA Project Citizen ExperienceEnhancing Government Services P &A Community of Interest Using Service Integration Model (SIM) to design a citizen centric agency WP Improving service to the public through a Life Events approach P &A Community of Interest Suggested COI and COAs

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