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Abraham Lincoln the president and the national hero Marfa Naumova 9 “B”

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1 Abraham Lincoln the president and the national hero Marfa Naumova 9 “B”

2 Dictionary Illiterate – неграмотный Outstanding ability – выдающиеся способности Spare time – свободное время Endowed – наделенный Plowman – пахарь Groom – конюх Ferryman – паромщик Lawyer – адвокат Disgust – Отвращение The Legislative Assembly – Законодательное собрание House of Representatives – палата представителей Surrender - капитуляция

3 Abraham Lincoln The 16 th president of USA (1861-1865) Was born on 12 th of February 1809 in Kentucky Was killed by assassinator on 15 th of April 1865 in Washington

4 Family Abraham was born in the family of poor farmers. His father – Thomas Lincoln was illiterate, but his mother – Nancy Hanks could read. When Abraham was 9 (1818) Nancy died. The year after Thomas married Sara Bush- Jonston. House where Abe was born

5 Education Stepmother turned out to be the kindest woman. She really loved Abe and finally sent him to school. And teacher noticed his outstanding ability. All his spare time Abraham spent reading books, engaging in self-education. Finally, he passed the exams and received permission to practice as a lawyer

6 Background When Abraham was 18 he decided to start independent life. Endowed with great physical strength, he worked as a plowman, groom, ferryman. While he worked as a ferryman, he visited slave market in New Orleans and got the great disgust to the system of slavery.

7 Background He became a member of the Legislative Assembly of Illinois, the House of Representatives of the US Congress.

8 Background Was one of the initiators of creation of the Republican party, was chosen its candidate for the presidency and won the election in 1860. His election was the signal to the separation of southern States and the creation of the Confederation. The Civil war begun.

9 Abolition of slavery It became clear that the main aim of the war - the restoration of the Union, became an impossible without the abolition of slavery. December 30, 1862, the President signed the “Proclamation on the liberation of slaves”, declaring niggers living in the territories of the United States, «now and forever free».

10 Significance Positive The system of unlimited exploitation of nigger’s labor was destroyed. The blacks got civil rights Abolition of slavery gave a strong impetus to development market wage labor – more progressive way of economic growth. Negative Many farmers of South ruined. Especially at the beginning, slaves, who received freedom, faced enormous difficulties when trying to involve themselves in the new socio-economic relations.

11 Death of Lincoln The civil war ended with the surrender of the Confederate States of America on April 9, 1865. Five days after the end of the war, April 14, 1865, in a performance of «My American cousin» (at Ford's theater) supporter of the southerners actor John Wilkes Booth entered in the presidential box and shot Lincoln in his head. In the morning of the next day, not coming to consciousness, Abraham Lincoln died. The theatre of Ford

12 Memory Abraham was buried in Springfield. In honor of Lincoln in the United States put a lot of monuments, called the city, the streets, the University, the mark of prestige automobiles, aircraft carrier. Profile of the President of carved on mount Rushmore. Birthday of Abraham Lincoln is a national holiday in some States of the United States. Also Lincoln is depicted on banknotes in 5 dollars.

13 Memorial

14 Questions Where A.Lincoln was born? Can you name one positive and one negative significance of abolition of slavery? Lincoln was killed in battle, wasn’t he?

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