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Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King president stop slavery Nobel Prize Give equal rights ?

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3 Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King president stop slavery Nobel Prize Give equal rights ?

4 Nelson Mandela ? His career began from a law firm. He won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1993. He was the first black president of his country. He helped the black people to get the same right as white people. He had been in prison for 27 years. His country is South Africa. The modern hero

5 Reading: Elias’ story

6 Para.1&2: Birth year: Family income: Education: Work: Worry: 1940 low 2 years in school, can’t read or write in a gold mine no passport to stay in Johannesburg to keep his job Basic information of Elias before he met Mandela

7 Para. 3: What happened after Elias Met Mandela? 1. 2. He could stay in Johannesburg. He joined the ANC Youth League. African National Congress

8 Para. 4: The situation of black people at that time 1. 2. 3. 4. They had no vote. They could choose who ruled them. They could choose where to live. They lived in the poorest areas. almost no rights

9 BlacksWhites Population19 million4.5 million Land13%87% Income19%75% Doctor/population1/44,0001/400 Teacher/population1/601/22 Racial segregation and the people of South Africa

10 Para. 5: Does Elias like violence ? Why he had to fight in a violent way?

11 What did Mandela do to help black people ? 1. 2. 3.

12 The timeline of Elias _____ Elias was born. _____ Elias began school at 6. _____ Elias left school 2 years later. _____ Elias met Mandela at 12. _____ Elias blew up some government building at 23. 1940 1946 1948 1952 1963

13 Timeline of Mandela and Elias _____ Elias was born. _____ Elias began school. _____ Elias left school. _____ Elias met Mandela. _____ Elias blew up some government building. 1940 1946 1948 1952 1963 Completed law degree. Set up law office. Government closed the office. Put into Robben Island prison. Set free. Nobel Prize for Peace President of South Africa 1990 1993 1994 Elias was set free and got a degree. Elias worked as the guide of the Robben Island Prison.

14 A short play: Elias’ story in prison Imagine what happened in the prison between Elias and Mandela, and act out the story.

15 Discussion: What qualities make Mandela a great man? Use one or two words. Nelson Mandela

16 Group work: Describe Mandela’s qualities.

17 5 There‘s a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There‘s an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away( 消融 ) 下载千千静听歌 词,超级链接?

18 ‘It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die'.

19 被誉为 “ 全球总统 ” 即使在狱中,曼德拉也多次成为全球焦点, 他的号召力和影响力遍及全世界。 1981 年, 1 万余名法国人联名向南非驻法使馆发出请愿书, 要求释放曼德拉; 1982 年,全球 53 个国家的 2000 名市长又为曼德拉的获释而签名请愿; 1983 年,英国 78 名议员发表联合声明, 50 多个 城市市长在伦敦盛装游行,要求英国首相向南 非施加压力,恢复曼德拉自由。如此人缘无人 能及,难怪有人称曼德拉为 “ 全球总统

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