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Multi-Generational Workplace. What is a Generation? n Generation is defined as, the average period between the first of one generation and that of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Generational Workplace. What is a Generation? n Generation is defined as, the average period between the first of one generation and that of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Generational Workplace

2 What is a Generation? n Generation is defined as, the average period between the first of one generation and that of the next n All people born and living at about the same time n A group of people born about the same time who share the same historical experiences, beliefs and attitudes

3 GENERATIONAL GROUPS n Silents 1922-1943 (52 M) n Baby Boomers 1943-1960 (73.2 M) n Gen X’ers 1960-1980 (70.1 M) n Nexters 1980-2000 (69.7 M )

4 Importance of Generations n There are a variety of things that help shape our values and who we are including parents, neighborhood, friends, etc. n Historical events impact individuals and generations n Differences in generations can create conflicts inside the home as well as at work

5 Connection of Generation and Values n Values that we develop when we are young influence what we believe as adults n The development of values Observing Modeling Socialization Significant events

6 The Generations

7 Silent Generation n Silents (AKA Builder Generation, Veterans, Traditionalists) – Born before 1946

8 Silent Generation n Values ä Hard work ä Organization ä Hierarchy ä Tradition ä Logic ä Family ä Honor ä Respect for authority ä Consistency, uniformity  Discipline

9 Silent Generation HEROES: n Superman, FDR, Eisenhower, Patton, Churchill, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio CULTURAL ICONS:: n Mickey Mouse, Flash Gordon, Jukeboxes, Kewpie Dolls FASHION: n conservative coats & ties, nylons, neatly trimmed hair

10 Silent Generation – Before 1947

11 Boomers Boomers (AKA Baby Boomers) n Born between 1946-1964

12 Boomers n Values ä Fairness ä Optimism ä Team orientation ä Personal Growth ä Personal Gratification ä Service ä Family ä Personal Approach ä Youth ä Work Ethic ä Involvement ä Consensual Leadership ä Recognition of Achievement

13 Boomers HEROES: n Gandhi, MLK, JFK & Jackie, John Glenn CULTURE ICONS: n Ed Sullivan, poodle skirts, Slinkies, TV dinners, peace sign FASHION: n designer glasses, designer suits, vintage wines, cell phones

14 Boomers’ – 1947-1964

15 Generation X (AKA Baby Busters, Post-Boomers, Thirteeners) n Born between 1965-1985 Generation X

16 Gen X’ers n Values ä Diversity ä Self-reliance ä Questioning Authority ä Thinking Globally ä Balance ä Techno-literacy ä Fun ä Informality ä Pragmatism ä Family ä Entrepreneurial Spirit

17 Gen X’er’s HEROES: n None CULTURAL ICONS:l: n ET, Cabbage Patch dolls, The Brady Bunch, The Simpsons FASHION: n Body piercings, tattoos, functional clothing

18 Gen X’ers – 1965-1985

19 Nexters (AKA Net Generation, Millennials, Generation Y, Nintendo Generation) n Born between 1985-2000 Nexters’ Generation

20 Multi-Generational Workplace

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