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 Superstition is a belief or practice; resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, and trust in magic or chance.  Superstitions cause us to believe.

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Presentation on theme: " Superstition is a belief or practice; resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, and trust in magic or chance.  Superstitions cause us to believe."— Presentation transcript:


2  Superstition is a belief or practice; resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, and trust in magic or chance.  Superstitions cause us to believe in monsters and ghosts: When our brains can't explain something, we make things up.

3  Superstitions live on because they have been passed on from generation to generation. Even today, where direct evidence and facts outweigh superstitious beliefs, there are probably very few people who can definitily deny that they do not at least believe in one or two superstitions.

4  Many countries, different cultures, numerous superstitions.

5 1. The most famous superstition in Egypt is that evil people can throw a spell on someone. It can cause illness or other misfortune. 2. Ancient Egyptians believed that the sudden awakening is not good. Because the soul can be separate from the body and remains in another world. 3. If a Egyptian woman wants to make a very tasty meal, before cooking she should throw some salt over her shoulder.

6 4. Blue eyes can protect you against bad luck. 5. Owl is a bird that brings bad news for the one who sees or hears this bird.

7 1. The lemon and chilli charm is a regular sight in India. You can find a string of lemons and chillies hanging on the doorway of shops, offices, homes, and even vehicles. Doing this is supposed to ward off the evil eye and bring in good luck.

8 2. To cut nails on a Saturday or Tuesday is considered bad luck. It is also bad luck to wash one’s hair on a Saturday or a Thursday. 3. In India, peepal trees are considered to be the abode of ghosts and spirits and one must avoid resting under a peepal tree at night.

9 1. Sneezing : means that someone is talking or thinking about you. You can ask someone to give you a 3 digit number. Count each digit together and then find the corresponding letter in the alphabet. This letter is supposed to be the initial of the person that is talking about you. 2. If a pregnant women sits on open scissors unintentionally, she will give birth to a boy. If you leave it open you will soon have an argument with somebody.

10 3. Just like the Tooth Fairy delivers money, the Koufeta Fairy too delivers something: an image of your future husband. Tradition holds that if an unmarried woman places a bag of these blessed sugarcoated almonds (Koufeta) underneath her pillow, she will dream of the man she is supposed to spend the rest of her life with. Warning: do not try this if you are married. Results could be damaging.

11 1. If you enter a new place by stepping in with your left foot first, it’s bad omen! 2. When you feel your ears are buzzing, someone is talking about you. 3. Breaking glass literally means breaking a spell of bad luck.

12 1. White butterfly brings good luck. If you see it at the beginning of the year, you'll be happy all year. 2. If you want to have enough money, then you should have the figure of an elephant in the house. But be sure to turn it back toward the door. 3. Never put a purse on the floor, because you will become a poor man.

13 1. Broken mirror brings bad luck, and to avoid this bad luck is to take the broken pieces and bury them underground and under the moonlight.

14 2. It is still believed by some that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck. 3. The horseshoe is one of good luck and good fortune

15 4. Walking under a ladder will bring you bad luck. 5. The four-leaf clover, is thought of as a good luck charm because of its rarity in nature.

16  All these superstitions are old but it came part of our traditions as Palestinians and as nations all over the world. It is good to know them as a knowledge but we have to not believe in them as we clearly know its just a superstitions!

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