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Team We Met on Saturday and it was Cold and Kinda Creepy Fern 0297239 Will 0290668 Gina 0086453 Lena 0300411.

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Presentation on theme: "Team We Met on Saturday and it was Cold and Kinda Creepy Fern 0297239 Will 0290668 Gina 0086453 Lena 0300411."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team We Met on Saturday and it was Cold and Kinda Creepy Fern 0297239 Will 0290668 Gina 0086453 Lena 0300411

2 Contents of Powerpoint 3 About Us 4 - 6 Our Consumption 7 - 10 Bay Area - California - USA - World 11 Us vs the Others 12 How we Blew it 13 - 14How we can change 15Our Conclusions 16 Our References

3 All about us ●We all have jobs ●We are all college students ●Early 20s/30s ●We all commute to work/class

4 Lena Cool Climate Network ●3 adults, 1 teenager ●Less than 2 miles from work/school ●300 KwH/m (3600 KwH/y) ●5.5 CO2 personal ●21.8 CO2 household ●2 adults ●Around 15 miles to work/school ●Eat out often (5+ times a week) ●19.35 CO2 personal ●38.7 CO2 household Will

5 Gina’s FootPrint ★ Family of five 2 Adults 3 Children ★ Single family home ★ 2 Mid size vehicles/ Commuting ★ Electricity usage 560 KwH a month/ 6729 KwH/year ★ Transportation 22.6 total 53.7 tons CO 2/year ★ Water 24 1000’s of gallons per year

6 Fernando’s footprint -My energy usage for household -24.9 terms per month -222.3 kWh per month -36-40 mile commute daily at ~25mp

7 Bay Area GHG Nine Counties Agriculture Transportation Size of County

8 California ●Energy expenditure per person/month ●Caifornians spend almost $3000 a month on energy ●Most of their money is spent on transportation ●Housing only amounts for about $500

9 USA Greenhouse Gases

10 Global Greenhouse gases ●Co2 65% from (industrial and fossil fuels) ●China produces 28% of emissions ●US Produces 16%

11 Comparison ●Gina is the worst by household ●Will is the worst by person, but about equal to the US as a whole ●Gina and Fern come in below average when compared to California ●Lena produces the least CO2 out of everyone, and less than average for California and the US


13 14. Changes (What can be done) You must take the first step Make good habits Place limitations on the usage of cars,water,electricity Have the environment in mind

14 ●Ride bicycles when travelling short distances <10 miles ●Bring reusable bags to the grocery store to cut down on plastic bags used ●Carpool/take public transportation to work/school ●Install energy efficient items in homes like energystar appliances, double paned windows, LED light bulbs ●Install low flow toilets/showerheads ●Eat locally grown food when possible What we can do

15 We have become so dependant on resources that it has gotten to a point that we are wasting more than we actually need. A little bit of effort can go a long way. If all of us do small things like riding a bicycle or being more conscious about how we affect the environment, we can make the world a better place to live. 17. Summary Conclusions

16 Works Cited Summary.pdf zqeqoqidwZihpyayHvqUPUzetOpJePszmIPmHerjzVEaAiat8P8HAQ

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