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SER Module Speaker: Chin-Chang Chang Date:2007.5.7.

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Presentation on theme: "SER Module Speaker: Chin-Chang Chang Date:2007.5.7."— Presentation transcript:

1 SER Module Speaker: Chin-Chang Chang Date:2007.5.7

2 Outline Registrar module Msilo module Demo Reference

3 Registrar module(1/7) This module contains REGISTER processing logic. The usrloc and sl module must be loaded before this module.

4 Registrar module(2/7) Parameters  default_expires(integer) This value will be used if the message don’t contain Expires HFs and expires contact parameters. Ex. modparam(“registrar”, “default_expires”, 1800)  min_expires(integer)  max_expires(integer)

5 Registrar module(3/7)  default_q(integer) This parameter represents default q value for new contacts. The value in parameter is divided by 100 and stored as float. Default value is 0. Ex. Modparam(“registrar”, ”default_q”, 100)  append_branches(integer) This parameter controls lookup function processes multiple contacts. If this parameter is set to 1, Request-URI will be overwritten with the highest-q rated contact and the rest will be appended to sip_msg structure. Ex. modparam (“registrar”, “append_branches”, 0)

6 Registrar module(4/7)  case_sensitive(integer) If set to 1 then AOR comparison will be case sensitive. Default value is 0. Ex. modparam (“registrar”, “case_sensitive”, 1)  max_contacts(integer) This parameter can be used to limit the number of contacts per AOR in the user location database. Value 0 disables the check. Default value is 0. Ex. modparam(“registrar”, ”max_contacts”, 10)

7 Registrar module(5/7)  use_domain(integer) If this parameter is set to 1, this registrar will use username@domain as address of record. If it is set to 0, then only the username is used as the address of record. Default value is 0. Functions  save(domain) “domain” is the name of the table. The function processes a register message. It can add, remove or modify usrloc records depending on Contact and Expires HFs in the REGISTER message. Ex. save("location");

8 Registrar module(6/7)  lookup(domain) This function extracts username from R_URI and tries to find all contacts for the username in usrloc. The functions extracts username from Request-URI and tries to find all contacts for the username in usrloc. If there are such contacts, Request-URI will be overwritten with the contact that has the highest q value and optionally the rest will be appended to the message (depending on append_branches parameter value). If there are no such contacts, -1 will be returned. Ex. Lookup(“location”);

9 Registrar module(7/7)  registered(domain) This function checks if the AOR in the R-URI is registered or not. Ex. If (registered(“location”)){ sl_send_reply(“100”, “Trying”); 。。。 };

10 Msilo module(1/4) The module provides offline storage for SER. It stores received messages for an offline user and sends them when the user becomes online. Two modules must be loaded before this module.  Database module  Transaction module(TM)

11 Msilo module(2/4) db_url(string)  Database URL.  Default value is "mysql://root@localhost/msilo".  Ex. modparam("msilo", "db_url", "mysql://") registrar(string)  The SIP address used to inform users that destination of their message is not online and the message will be delivered next time when that user goes online.  modparam("msilo", "registrar", "")

12 Msilo module(3/4) db_table (string)  The name of table where to store the messages.  Default value is “silo”.  Ex. modparam(“msilo”, “db_table”, “silo”) expire_time(integer)  Expire time of stored messages – seconds. When this time passed, the message is silently discarded from database.  Default value is “2597200(3 days)”.  Ex. modparam(“msilo”, ”expire_time”, 36000)

13 Msilo module(4/4) m_store(mode)  The method stores certain parts of the current SIP request  mode - specifies what to save as R-URI. "0" - first check if new_uri is an address of record. If yes, then use it and store it as R-URI, otherwise look at R-URI and, if necessary, at URI from "To" header. "1" - look first at R-URI and then at URI from "To" header. "2" - look only at URI form "To" header m_dump(mode)  The method sends stored messages for the SIP user that is going to register to his actual contact address.

14 Demo demo

15 Reference Registrar module Msilo module

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